New York Fashion Week may have ended today, but that doesn't mean you can't attend an exciting fashion event tonight—and you don't need to be in New York, or even leave the house. All you have to do is join our group live blog of tonight's episode of Project Runway in the comments section under this post. Everybody who's anybody will be there … meaning, um, anybody can come.

But not just any anybody, mind you. Many very funny anybodys show up here on a regular basis. As evidence of that, check out this selection of a few of the many funny comments from our last get-together. Other highlights from last week's live blog included these:

  • Commenters expressed mixed reactions to the effects of tank tops worn by many male designers. Exposure of Rami's biceps, for example, met with approval, while the exposure of Mondo's armpit hair did not.
  • During an irritating commercial for Truvia, Saxon 212 issued the following health warning: Folks songs about artificial sweetener may cause ear cancer.
  • Memorable commenter descriptions of designers' looks abounded. Examples included UncleVanya's "Real Housewives of Barbietown outfit" (describing Austin's look) and ludditesque's "a onesie for a tall, anorexic baby" (about Kenley's creation).

And many more memorable moments will likely abound in tonight's live blog—which will get underway at 9 pm Eastern, when the show airs on Lifetime. Here are a few things in store in the episode, based on what I glimpsed in the preview clips:

  • The designers will have to create a costume for the latest Broadway revival of Godspell. And, not surprisingly, the results will look costumey. How costumey? Well, the bit of the runway show I glimpsed in the promo looked like a bomb inside Theater District thrift store had exploded all over the models.
  • Jerell will snipe that one of his fellow designers' creations made the model "look like an extra from Boogie Nights"—a Michael Kors-worthy comment that reminds me how much I miss Queen Tangerine and his quips this season.
  • Isaac Mizrahi will mispronounce Austin's name as "Austin Starlet," causing Austin to run at Mizrahi screaming "That's not my name bitch!"—after which, the two of them will have a huge, hair-pulling slap-fight. Well, I made up that last part—but if something like that did happen, it sure would help make this season a lot more tolerable.

OK gang, it's almost 9 pm—time for this chat party to get started. Let's ring out Fashion Week with a bang! I'll see you down in the comments!