Ready to partake in a unique pop-cultural pastime? Then join us as we live-blog Top Chef in the comments section under this post. It's a rich and effervescent experience—not unlike eating a foie gras lollipop dusted with Pop Rocks.

And if you think that sounds disgusting, you should know that this very item was served at a fine restaurant in Chicago, and people loved it. Which just goes to show that your Mom was right about one thing: You can't know whether you'll like something until you've tried it. So if you haven't tried out this live blog before, here's how to test your preconceptions: Turn on your TV, tune it to Top Chef (which airs on Bravo at 10 Eastern), and join the rest of us in the comments as we post amusing quips and commentary about the show.

To get an idea of how amusing such quips and commentary can be, check out this collection of a few of my favorite comments from our last live blog. Other memorable moments from last week included these:

  • After commenter BabyJane made a "just for the halibut" pun, GoOnWithoutMe and just.a.smore used the words "smelt" and "crappie" to describe it. That's right: commenters were actually making fish puns about a fish pun. How meta is that?
  • The judges went on and on so much about how delicious all the food was, commenter other_asian wondered whether guest judge Charlize Theron had brought along her famous apple bong and passed it around the table before the judging session began.
  • I didn't realize how polarizing a contestant Beverly was until she was eliminated, and half the commenters promptly cheered her departure while the other half expressed anguish or sadness over it. Personally, I will miss Bev's habit of politely apologizing to inanimate objects after she bumps into them—because there's entirely just too much rudeness to inanimate objects in the world today, don't you think?

As for what's in store on tonight's episode, here are two things worth noting from what I spotted in the previews: First, they'll be dividing up the chefs into groups of two for both the quickfire and elimination contests, because apparently the producers of this show just can't seem to stop creating team challenges this season. It's like an addiction! Second, the guest judge will be Iron Chef star and garbage disposal pitchwoman Cat Cora who, as far as I know, does not own an apple bong and is highly unlikely to get the judging panel stoned like Charlize apparently did last week. So this means that there's a good chance the judges will actually start hating some of the food again. We can only hope!

Ok, it's nearly 10 pm—time to pop down into the comments and get this live blog rocking. I'll see you there!