Earlier this week, the University of New Hampshire announced that it would be banning the sale of energy drinks on campus, in order to "keep its students safe." From energy, presumably. Shortest-lived dumb college banning ever!

UNH President Mark Huddleston actually overrode that announcement the very same day. Huzzah for a college president doing something smart! But the news was already out, of course, and yesterday the University of New Hampshire, a fully accredited college given responsibility for educating the leaders of tomorrow, was forced to issue a press release entitled "UNH Will Continue Sales of Energy Drinks."

"While certain energy drinks contain extreme amounts of caffeine, the brands on sale at UNH generally include amounts comparable to other caffeinated beverages, such as coffee," said Huddleston. "Moreover, our sales data reflect that most students are buying single servings of these drinks, rather than the multiple servings that might imply bingeing behavior. Nor do we have clear medical evidence of consistent patterns of caffeine abuse or of alcohol abuse exacerbated by the use of energy drinks among UNH students."

Mark Huddleston even made the formal announcement on his Twitter, because he is the "cool" type of college president who drops in on the quad to play a little ultimate once in a while and just rap with the kids about what is happening. Red Bull party in Mark Huddleston's office tonight!

Also to be sold as usual on the University of New Hampshire campus: drugs.

[via Inside Higher Ed. Photo: Kevin McManus/ Flickr]