
Fancy Rich Kids Expect Community College to Not Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/12 11:55AM

Used to be that community college was only for regular folks. The rich folks sent their kids to regular four-year colleges, unless their kids were major fuck-ups. You know who I'm talking about. But ever since the economy crashed and community colleges became competitive and the traditional middle class of colleges died off, even regular rich kids are showing up in community colleges. And, outrageously, they expect their school not to suck.

Supreme Court to Reexamine Affirmative Action

Caity Weaver · 02/21/12 10:03PM

In a move that could potentially deprive future generations of racists their token minority friends, the Supreme Court is set to reexamine the legality of affirmative action programs this fall.

Literary Cad Also Lied About Having Sex With His Students in GQ

Maureen O'Connor · 02/16/12 05:44PM

Turns out Sam Kashner, the Vanity Fair contributing editor currently embroiled in a literary cheating scandal, has been accused of erotic deceit before. During his one-year tenure as a William & Mary English professor, Kashner wrote an ostensibly non-fiction bodice-ripper about sex with undergrads. The campus responded with outrage: Nobody believed Kashner could have tapped that much ass.

Here's the Horrible Comedy Sketch About Rape That Has UConn in Uproar

Maureen O'Connor · 02/01/12 11:54AM

UConn, America's foremost institution of sports riots and male rage, is in uproar after student-run (and student-funded) television network UCTV aired a sketch comedy segment that depicted a crying girl using a blue-light phone while fleeing a possible rapist. As she attempts to escape, the robotic blue-light voices call her a "cock gobbler," a "stinky bitchy," a "blonde bitch," and a "howler monkey bitch" who is "crying rape." The sketch ends with the girl falling to the ground after her attacker strangles her in a dark parking lot.

Sitting on Quarterback Sex Assault Story, Yale Daily News Considered Seeking a Private Jet for Witt

Maureen O'Connor · 01/27/12 03:50PM

This morning we read how Yale Daily News, "Gutsiest Campus Newspaper of 2011," sat on the story of perfect Yale quarterback Patrick Witt's sex assault scandal for two months. Now, a humorous coda to their silence: We hear that YDN actually considered calling on wealthy alumni to charter a jet for the campus hero, so he wouldn't have to choose between the Yale-Harvard game and his Rhodes Scholarship interview.

The Crazy Department-Wide Emails That Everyone at NYU Is Talking About

Max Read · 01/06/12 04:40PM

At around 3:17 on Wednesday morning, every student in NYU's Department of Social and Cultural Analysis received a bizarre "open letter" to NYU President John Sexton, from a student who claimed she'd been "forced" to do an ethnographic assignment on Occupy Wall Street. It was 2,800 words long, oddly typeset, and quickly followed up by another five equally eccentric emails. Someone sent us the full set of emails, which everyone at NYU—and elsewhere—was talking about. Want to read them?

Good Football Teams Cause Dumb Male Students, Which Seems Fair

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/11 01:52PM

Like us, you've probably always assumed that schools with really good football teams are also full of stupid meatheads simply because stupid meatheads like football, and therefore go to those schools. That's not quite right; good football teams actually make students worse. Guy students. Cause guys like the football!

Creepy 27-Year-Old Posed as Harvard Frosh Because He 'Was Lonely'

Max Read · 12/14/11 12:20PM

Last Thursday, a 27-year-old named Abe Liu was cited by Harvard police for "using a falsified identification card" and warned against trespassing in college dorms. It was apparently the first time he'd encountered the police—but he'd spent the semester posing as a Harvard College freshman, sleeping in friends' dorm rooms and even posing for a fashion feature in The Harvard Crimson, apparently because he "was lonely."

Today's College Essay Questions Sound Like Online Dating Profile Questions

Lauri Apple · 12/10/11 04:11PM

In my day, when Kurt Cobain was president and we youngsters went to college to get jobs that actually existed, the only questions colleges asked you on their applications were these: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" And "Are you smart? Describe below." Life was simple then.