
CNN Airs Prerecorded, Mistake-Filled Interview About Air Force One

Taylor Berman · 12/10/13 01:52PM

Someone at CNN fucked up. Mid-way through a taped interview, anchor Brooke Baldwin interrupted Jake Tapper – "Hang on, hang on, Tapper"— and restarted the entire segment. Somehow, the botched—and, again, entirely prerecorded—segment made it onto the air last night. Great job, everyone.

Behind The Slow-Motion Death of Howard Kurtz’s Weird Website

J.K. Trotter · 12/04/13 02:15PM

BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski noted on Tuesday that The Daily Download, the obscure media-news website founded by Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz and his business partner Lauren Ashburn, has disappeared. Yet only a few months ago Ashburn was hyping the site’s traffic to contributors. “Lauren told me that at one point it had a half million views per day,” Lorraine Murphy, a Vancouver web consultant who wrote for the site between May and August of this year, told Gawker. So what happened?

Adam Weinstein · 12/03/13 09:39AM

Ah! The Cable News Network (CNN) sees the problem now: They do too much news. They'll get right on that, folks.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/13 09:58AM

New York Times media robo-reporter Brian Stelter is leaving to join CNN as host of Reliable Sources, its Sunday media news program. New York TV viewers will now find it even harder to escape the Stelter-Shupak power combo.

Cord Jefferson · 10/07/13 12:32PM

CNN reports on China's deadly hornet outbreak on Friday by explaining that Hong Kong is now in South America. Those hornets really are powerful.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 01:50PM

Sanjay Gupta supports medical marijuana now, but that didn't stop his employer from trying to shut down sales of a new “Sanjay Gupta Kush” strain in Colorado. Why does CNN hate agriculture?

Why is Brian Stelter Still Writing About Cable News?

J.K. Trotter · 08/21/13 02:28PM

TV reporter and book author Brian Stelter isn’t supposed to write about cable news, given his recent try-out as the new host of CNN’s Reliable Sources, where Howard Kurtz policed the media (well, tried to) before signing with Fox News. But on Monday the Times published Stelter’s report on the cable news upstart Al Jazeera America, citing its executives’ plan to usurp established channels (such as Stelter’s potential employer). And today Stelter reported on Al Jazeera’s litigation against AT&T for dropping the network. Has a would-be media cop lost track of his own conflicted interests?

Cory Booker Gave CNN Chief's 14-Year-Old Son a Job

Sam Biddle · 08/07/13 10:29AM

Twitter celeb and political parvenu Cory Booker is known for his good friends—good for their influence, good for their money, and good for his future. One way to keep them all nicely on Booker's side? Give one of their teenage children a spot on his startup's board, replete with stock options.

Juror B37 Is Praying for "Travon's Parents"

Max Read · 07/17/13 11:02AM

Book deal-exploring Zimmerman trial juror B37 has released a statement through CNN's Carol Costello, the morning after four of her fellow jurors distanced themselves from her statements on Anderson Cooper's show.

Is It Time to Give Up on CNN?

Sid Bedingfield · 07/10/13 08:00AM

For several days now, CNN’s extensive coverage of the George Zimmerman trial has shouldered aside the more important Egypt story on the network’s U.S. channel.

Watch CNN White House Reporter Jessica Yellin Say Dumb Rain Metaphors

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 01:39PM

Barack Obama's press conference today wasn't just about a couple of scandals and whatever's happening in Syria or Turkey. It was actually a metaphor, or a series of metaphors. Jessica Yellin knows this, because she was there, and she saw God punish Obama's lies with His rain.