
"You're a Freak": Watch Chris Cuomo Sexually Harass Amanda Knox on TV

Caity Weaver · 05/08/13 01:54PM

If you weren't tuned in to CNN at 10:00 p.m. Tuesday night to witness the car wreck that was Chris Cuomo's insane interview with "vivacious, sexually adventurous, guitar-playing student" (and accused murderer) Amanda Knox—why? Why weren't you watching CNN? Were you doin' some sex stuff? Some kinda freaky sex stuff? Some freaky sex stuff like everybody says you like? 'Zat what gets you off? Sex? You like doing sex? Chris Cuomo will be arriving at your home shortly to grill you about your perversions.

Jon Stewart: The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy at the NRA Convention

Maggie Lange · 05/07/13 09:33AM

On the Daily Show and the Colbert Report last night, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert covered the 142nd NRA convention held in Houston, Texas. Stewart covered the NRA 2013 convention in a riff titled "The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy," while Colbert used the convention to launch into a new series called "Bat Shit Serious."

CNN Just Let the Wrongly Accused Ricin Guy Perform a Live Country Song

Cord Jefferson · 04/24/13 02:50PM

Paul Kevin Curtis, the Elvis impersonator accused of sending ricin-laden letters to President Obama and others, had his charges dropped yesterday when federal authorities said they'd found "new information." Naturally, Curtis was ecstatic, and this afternoon he took to CNN to express his excitement and relief. After giving a standard interview in which he basically said he's hoping to parlay his poisoning charges into a life of celebrity, Curtis then broke into the Randy Travis song "On the Other Hand" at the CNN reporter's request. If you've not been paying attention, it has not been a banner week for CNN.

Marathon Bombing Suspect Has Been Arrested and Is In Custody But Has Not Been Arrested and May Not Exist

Kate Bennert · 04/17/13 02:02PM

This is what has been happening on cable news for the past few hours: After insisting that they had confirmation from two separate sources that an arrest had been made in the marathon bombing, and while ignoring reports from nearly every other source that said otherwise, CNN was forced to admit that there were then three sources telling them that no arrest had been made and just recently changed their report status to "conflicted." Meanwhile, there were several different descriptions of the "suspect" that was never identified in the first place in is not at all in custody but might be for all we know.

CNN Reports On The 'Promising Future' of the Steubenville Rapists, Who Are 'Very Good Students'

Mallory Ortberg · 03/17/13 06:57PM

One way to report on the outcome of a rape trial is to discuss the legal ramifications of the decision or the effect the proceedings may have on the life of the victim. Another angle reporters can take is to publicly worry about the "promising future" of the convicted rapists, now less promising as a direct result of their choice to rape someone.

CNN's '11 Meteor Tweets We Wish We'd Thought Of' Bums Me Out

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/16/13 04:02PM

Ratings-starved CNN is changing its focus, and that's cool. They hadn't been committed to straight news reporting for some time, but really hadn't fully made the leap into baseless sensationalism until just a few weeks ago when "flesh egg" Jeff Zucker took the reins. Their 24-hour coverage of the "shit cruise" was exemplary sensationalism, even going so far as to compare a group of inconvenienced vacation-ers to victims of Katrina.

CNN's 24-hour Coverage of the Shit-Ridden Carnival Cruise, In Summary

Kate Bennert · 02/15/13 05:45PM

CNN certainly was the only one covering the plight of the Carnival cruise ship Triumph by land, air, and sea yesterday, but to what avail? Well thanks to CNN a mother was able to see her daughter whom she had not seen for several days (and wouldn't have anyway because said daughter was ON A CRUISE), another mother was able to speak to her indifferent son via cell phone, and several other humans were able to watch a floating toilet inch its way closer to Mobile, Alabama.

Watch a CNN Reporter Compare the Disabled Carnival Cruise Ship to Hurricane Katrina

Taylor Berman · 02/15/13 12:24AM

As you're all probably well aware, the shit-covered Carnival cruise ship finally arrived in Mobile, Alabama earlier tonight. CNN dropped all other news to cover the event as though it were some sort of national disaster, which it clearly isn't. Only don't tell that to CNN's Martin Savidge, who during an interview with passenger Rob Kenny, compared conditions aboard the ship to life in New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina. You know, the storm that killed thousands and nearly destroyed a major U.S. city. Thankfully, Kenny put Savidge in his place, telling him: "Well, let's put that in perspective. Katrina was a major a devastation. We're out on a freaking cruise ship, and just out here having a good time...those are two different things."

The Alleged Killer Cop Sent a Weird 'Exonerating' Package to Anderson Cooper Last Week

Cord Jefferson · 02/07/13 07:05PM

Christopher Dorner, the alleged killer ex-cop currently being hunted—sometimes poorly—by the LAPD, reportedly mailed a package to CNN's Anderson Cooper that arrived last week, on February 1. Cooper's assistant opened the package and found inside two smaller parcels: One was a souvenir medallion sometimes given out by LA Police Chief William Bratton. The medallion had been damaged by bullet holes and a note attached to it read, "Thanks but no thanks, Will Bratton." The second parcel was a DVD ostensibly containing an interview with Christopher Gettler, the schizophrenic man Dorner claimed a fellow officer kicked unnecessarily during an arrest in 2007. Dorner was later fired after an LAPD board ruled his allegations were false and refused to give weight to the ill Gettler's testimony. But in the manifesto he posted to Facebook earlier this week, Dorner wrote, "During this [LAPD Board of Rights] hearing a video was played for the ... panel where Christopher Gettler stated that he was indeed kicked by Officer Evans." On the DVD, Dorner had written, "Chris Dorner Exoneration."

Jeff Zucker Is Blowing Up CNN

Max Read · 01/29/13 12:39PM

Jeff Zucker, the flesh egg whose destruction of NBC earned him a job running CNN, has launched his reign of terror over the network: James Carville and Mary Matalin — gone! Erick Erickson — gone! Managing editor Mark Whitaker — gone! And lo: Chris Cuomo's silhouette appears on the horizon, ready to take on "a major role in a new CNN morning show and across the network."