Wrong on two fronts.
(A) Not engaging in complex, 2 year-long civil wars where 0.015% of the deaths involve chemical weapons is not a tacit approval of anything, just as NOT supporting the bombing the White House and Pentagon is not tacit approval of the U.S. exporting violence all over the world or it's refusal to sign the international sanction against cluster bombs and land mines. The introduction of this sanction against chemical weapons is a nakedly arbitrary and self-serving pretext, not a morally urgent red line of human rights. If it were, then America would be equally outraged over the dozens of international norms we break on a daily basis - but we're not.
(B) Saying "bombing raids are not war" has to be the height of Orwell's prophecy about language being the first victim of war. Hurling hundreds of large, GPS-guided explosive devices at a sovereign country IS the definition of war. If it's not, then "war" has ceased to have any real meaning, and we've introduced a new cynical and cowardly definition - based on technological convenience not moral logic - of war to mean "any state violence which doesn't require long term risk by the aggressor country". This is PR bullshit, anyone who's experienced "bombing raids" can attest to this fact.
There IS a term for what you're talking about though (in addition to "war") that's reserved for countries that are willing to throw bombs at other countries but unwilling to send in ground troops to achieve the same objective: it's called "being big fucking pussies"