[There was a video here]

This just in: Man says something stupid about women.

While discussing the resignation of San Diego mayor Bob Filner, who's been accused of sexual harassment by 18 women, criminal defense attorney and Deadly Sins host Darren Kavinoky took a more sympathetic approach than his fellow panelist, Faith Jenkins, and host Don Lemon. And anyone with a firm sense of reason, for that matter. In fact, Kavinoky went as far as to say, "One of these accusers said that he grabbed both of her hands and asked for a date. If you took out the words 'Bob Filner' and inserted the word 'Ryan Gosling,' you wouldn't have a problem." And then he repeated the sentiment, again invoking the name of America's penis-having sweetheart.

He brings up a great point, oh wait, no he doesn't. If Ryan Gosling were a serial sex-harassing creep, he'd be less cute. And if he were the charming gentleman he's frequently made out to be (including in Kavinoky's hypothesis), he wouldn't have to grab anybody's hands for they'd already be putty in his.

Also, Filner is not Gosling, so moot point.

Lemon and Jenkins both adequately smacked him down, and the imbalance of the universe was restored.