
The Only Guide You Need for Last-Minute Shopping

Caity Weaver · 12/19/12 07:13PM

There's less than a week left until Christmas. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? No? Cool, you sound like a mature adult, navigating your sleigh through the holiday fog with ease.

On Christmas Cards and the Death of Handwriting

Mobutu Sese Seko · 12/19/12 01:40PM

Christmas cards—if they possess any utility other than excuses for networking or sleeves for staged photos and obnoxious form-letters about little Allen's success on the soccer field and getting over his chronic butt cyst—act as a kind of benchmark. Buying a box and sending some out makes you feel like you've stepped into an adult world. You have an address book. You buy stamps in bulk. You now acknowledge calendar events days before they happen.

Ronald McDonald Will Kill Santa Claus for $5,500

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/12 11:15AM

McDonald's, a machine for turning cow fat into money, is really into America, Christmas, Kwanzaa, holidays, whatever the fuck, assuming those holidays are celebrated at a McDonald's restaurant, or sitting in a parked car in a McDonald's parking lot, forcing down McDonald's food as tears stream down your face. All you have to do is to look at McDonald's advertisements to realize that McDonald's has the utmost respect for family, togetherness, happiness, America, freedom, blah blah buy some french fries. McDonald's would open a location at your mother's funeral if it thought it could sell one additional Filet-O-Fish.

50 Shades of Gray Just Saved Christmas

MTanzer · 12/09/12 10:02AM

When Random House employees gather around the Christmas goose this year, they will all join hands with their families, and say a little thank you prayer to the kinky housewives of America. Because the Twilight fan fiction posing as beginner erotica sold so well this year, all of the publishing house's employees are getting a big holiday bonus — $5,000, in fact.

In the Ultimate Fuck-You to Christmas, Santa Claus Beat Up a Nun on Last Night's American Horror Story

Rich Juzwiak · 12/06/12 12:45PM

Last night's American Horror Story went where even 1984's notorious, depraved and once-protested Santa slasher Silent Night, Deadly Night wouldn't: It featured a man in a Santa costume assaulting a nun, punching and whipping her in the ultimate S&M roleplay of secular and religious reasons for the season. The full scene, in which Deadwood's Ian McShane plays a maniac exacting his revenge to Jessica Lange's Sister Jude for keeping him in solitary confinement, is above. Usually American Horror Story, which is so fucking great and trashy this season, merely goes over the top: here it goes over the top and through the chimney.

This Terrifying Dental Mannequin Calendar Is This Year's Hot Christmas Gift

Max Read · 12/04/12 02:16PM

Wondering what to get the person who has everything? Why not one of these lovely calendars from dental supply company Practicon? Each month is accompanied by a photo of Practicon's dental mannequins, dressed up and having fun. It's heartwarming — and completely and utterly terrifying.