When Random House employees gather around the Christmas goose this year, they will all join hands with their families, and say a little thank you prayer to the kinky housewives of America. Because the Twilight fan fiction posing as beginner erotica sold so well this year, all of the publishing house's employees are getting a big holiday bonus — $5,000, in fact.

The bonus applies to everyone that's worked at the company for at least a year. For some, it can mean the difference between getting their children good gifts or total cop out presents. And for others, $5,000 is a really great amount of seed money to enable you to finally start building that sex dungeon in the basement.

50 Shades of Gray has now spent 40 weeks on The New York Times' best seller list, much to the chagrin of dudes who give their badly written erotica away for free on the Internet.

So if you're reading 50 Shades in public and someone can't stop smiling at you, it may just a Random House employee thinking of you in a good light for saving their holiday season. Or it could be someone that wants to tie you up for fun, use your judgement really.