
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 08/10/13 08:55AM

Chris Brown's representative lays the blame of Brown's seizure yesterday on pressure from "the continued onslaught of unfounded legal matters and the nonstop negativity." This is some powerful hating, people.

Chris Brown Reportedly Suffers Seizure

Cord Jefferson · 08/09/13 06:50PM

The New York Daily News is reporting that reviled pop star Chris Brown suffered a seizure early this morning at a Hollywood recording studio. Brown allegedly suffered the seizure and then refused emergency responders' efforts to take him to a hospital.

Rich Juzwiak · 08/06/13 04:19PM

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/12/13 12:00PM

Not content to merely terrorize adults, Chris Brown is now frightening Los Angeles children with "grimacing, sharp-toothed, red-eyed goblin" murals around his home. Brown argues that his neighbors are trying to suspend his First Amendment rights.

Check Out the Ridiculous Shirt 'Changed Man' Chris Brown Wore on the Today Show

Rich Juzwiak · 04/01/13 01:40PM

Chris Brown's contrived redemption tour continues — in an interview with Matt Lauer that aired earlier this morning on Today to promote his underwhelming new single "Fine China," the singer repeatedly emphasized how good and positive his current state of mind is. He did this with words. ("For my album and what I'm promoting as far as the single or whatever it is, it's just about me being positive..." "Everything's good. We're fine." "I'm not really focused on the negative. Everything is positive for me." "Movin' forward. Positive.") He also did this with his shirt, which sported a print of interlocking hearts, peace signs and laurel wreaths. Behold, love's champion.

The Rihanna/Chris Brown Episode of Law & Order: SVU Was Despicable

Rich Juzwiak · 02/28/13 02:15PM

The ripped-from-the-headlines plot of last night's Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was inspired by Chris Brown's 2009 assault of his on-again-off-again girlfriend Rihanna. Disingenuously, the episode opened with a disclaimer: "The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event." Perhaps this is the disclaimer for every episode of this godawful show, but it was particularly untrue last night as the show went on to reference Chris Brown's apology video, Chris Brown's bowtie, Chris Brown's dick pic, Chris Brown's duet(s) with Rihanna, Rihanna's request to relax the restraining order she was granted, the leaked picture of Rihanna's battered face, Chris Brown's tattoo that kind of resembles Rihanna's battered face and Chris Brown and Rihanna's voluminous social-media interactions. Look at all of those coincidences and marvel at their hilariously incompetent executions.

Using Logic, Man Attacks Rihanna Out of Hatred for Chris Brown

Molly Fitzpatrick · 02/17/13 05:49PM

While clubbing in London last night, Rihanna was injured when a man "enraged" by her reunion with King Scumbag Chris Brown threw a bottle of Lucozade (think British Gatorade) at her. She fell to the ground and cut her leg, but was otherwise unhurt.

Chris Brown Is the Latest Victim of 'Swatting'

Taylor Berman · 01/21/13 10:31PM

In case you're not up to date on the newish lingo for stupid pranks, "Swatting" is the act of reporting a fake crime or emergency at someone's home, which usually results in a SWAT team showing up and scaring the hell out of everyone at the nonexistent crime's location. Last week, Tom Cruise was swatted, perhaps resulting in an advertisement in The Atlantic; this week, it was gentleman R&B star Chris Brown's turn. According to TMZ:

Who Taught You to Love Yourself: Learning From the Ghosts of Gun Violence

Mychal Denzel Smith · 01/19/13 11:30AM

As a general rule, I hate movie scenes that take place in the rain. Not necessarily because of the rain itself, but because whenever you see rain you know someone is sad, or in love, or sadly in love, or dying. I believe in the human capacity for imagination, and that we haven't come up with a better device to show melancholy or romance than some storm clouds and a light drizzle, kinda pisses me off.

This Chris Brown Interview Where He Says That He Tries to Promote 'Positivity and Love' is Now Really Hilarious

Jordan Sargent · 11/29/12 07:15PM

Singer-not-rapper Chris Brown is on the cover of XXL's December/January issue, because everyone in the hip-hop industry is obligated to embrace Brown with open arms because he will make them a bunch of money. Last weekend, Brown managed to out-awful awful Twitter comedian Jenny Johnson by saying, amongst other things, that he was going to shit on her retina per his mom's orders. This latest outburst of violent threats from Brown once again turned the spotlight on his rage issues, unrepentance for having viciously beat Rihanna and general horribleness.