Well, it's as good as official: It looks like Rihanna and Chris Brown are back in each other's arms after an early November denial by RiRi that the two had reunited.

Though the pair had been spotted together by others — and even photographed on one occasion — this pic, posted by Rihanna on her Instagram feed, marks the first time the two have made a joint appearance since the days before Chris Brown nearly choked the life out of Rihanna back in 2009.

The photo was accompanied by the caption "i dont wanna leave!!! Killed it tonight baby!!!" (Rihanna also kinda let it slip that Brown was still on Twitter despite having shut down his official account following a Twitter spat with comedy writer Jenny Johnson.)

Rihanna had been dropping hints of the rekindling on Instagram since flying to Berlin on November 22nd to spend Thanksgiving with Brown.

Fans of the right-crossed lovers had mixed feelings about seeing the two share an intimate embrace, with some congratulating the couple on getting past their differences, and others warning Rihanna not to get involved with someone who has a history of trying to kill her.

Still others washed their hands entirely of this mess.

[H/T: ONTD, photo via Instagram]