
Inept ATF Uses Children and People With Low IQs In Sting Operations

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/08/13 08:59PM

ATF agents have been exploiting mentally disabled people, allowing children to use drugs, teaching criminals new tricks, and even employing female agents to hit on underaged males as part of their storefront sting operations, a new investigative report charges.

The Basic Inescapability of Fast Food for Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/13 10:48AM

The fast food industry cares about the health of your kids. That's why the fast food industry is self-regulating when it comes to marketing their meat-poison to children. And self-regulation always works. That's why kids are still eating tons of fast food.

Let's Get Judgmental: Should I Give My Kid Guns for Halloween?

Tom Scocca · 10/28/13 03:00PM

My mom was cleaning out the attic a while ago, and she came up with the homemade cowboy costume I wore when I was five or six. The hat was long gone, but there was a little vest and a set of fuzzy fake-cowhide chaps. It fits my older son, who's in first grade and who didn't have any other Halloween costume lined up.

Yes, Virginia, Some Halloween Decorations Are Too Scary

Caity Weaver · 10/25/13 03:00PM

“I’m not going to hurt kids,” said documentary filmmaker Joyce Draganosky to the New York Post earlier this week. Here are some of the seasonal items currently festooning Draganosky’s red brick home—the subject of its own dedicated photo galleries on both Gothamist and the Post's website—in the charming Boerum Hill section of Brooklyn: a baby doll lying on the ground with a fake-bloody knife through its forehead; a baby doll chained to a rocking chair with duct tape covering her mouth; a baby doll hung by its hands from a tree branch with a fake-bloody incision in its stomach (into this has been stuffed a smaller fake-bloody baby doll); a baby doll sealed in a jar filled with fake blood; a pumpkin surgeon (presumably unlicensed) looming over a fake-bloody gurney, on which rests baby doll covered in fake blood.

Back to School: Lunch Is a Problem That Comes Every Day

Tom Scocca · 09/13/13 02:11PM

When you have children of your own, you realize for the first time what your own parents went through, things you couldn't possibly have understood when you were a child—and really are better off not having understood, because the knowledge would have been debilitating. There's the abyssal terror at having brought a fragile, trusting life into a world of hurtfulness and destruction, for instance. Not far behind that is the problem of packing lunch.

Henry Blodget Found a Newspaper

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/13 12:27PM

Henry Blodget, a full grown adult who's held a highly compensated job in finance and founded a multimillion-dollar media company, still retains his ability to be astounded by the little things in life. Like airplanes: what is it like to ride in one? Or women: are they too lazy to get good jobs? Or Jews: why do people hate them so much? Today, Henry Blodget, who has retained the wonderful ability to see the world through a child's eyes (which so many of his cynical peers have lost), has found something outside of his hotel room door. But what??

Today's Song: This Soothing, Bizarre Lullaby Version of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Californication" for Babies

Rich Juzwiak · 01/09/13 04:50PM

Rockabye Baby! produces sleep-friendly covers of pop and rock — they have released, for example, a white-vinyl version of lullabies based on Smiths songs. A disc of nap-time spins on Rush favorites is on the way. Neither of those can quite match the conceptual weirdness of a baby-friendly version of a song called "Californication." After all, why expose your child to Anthony Keidis yowling, "First born unicorn / Hard core soft porn / Dream of Californication / Dream of Californication..." when you can present him or her with a xylophone expressing the accompanying melody much more gently?