
Heidi and Spencer to Divorce Court: JK!

Maureen O'Connor · 10/01/10 08:56AM

The Montag-Pratts formally end their divorce charade. Heidi Klum quits Victoria's Secret. Lindsay Lohan wears fancy outfits at rehab. Charlie Sheen's daughter has a Twilight-themed wedding. TGIFriday gossip.

Now Presenting: The Betty White Sex Photo Scandal

Maureen O'Connor · 06/16/10 08:25AM

Is Betty White's burgeoning sex scandal too strange to be true, or too out-of-the-blue to be untrue? Miley Cyrus says she's not "slutty." Perez Hilton says his Miley Cyrus upskirt wasn't kid porn. Wednesday's gossip roundup is open to interpretation.

There's a Motive Behind Every Bad Hairstyle

Brian Moylan · 06/10/10 03:05PM

Katherine Heigl wore one seriously bad haircut last night. But her new brunette bouffant isn't just a bad styling choice. This is "motive hair." Something else is going on that informed this decision. We've all been there, and it's scary.

Britney Spears Will Never Be Independent Again, and Other Likelihoods

Maureen O'Connor · 06/04/10 09:13AM

Britney's conservatorship gets extended after two years of dependence. Miley Cyrus "simulates a lesbian kiss." Gary Coleman's ex-wife misses the swag. Gwen Stefani threw a $15,000 party for a four-year-old. Thank the Hills of Hollywood: Friday gossip has arrived.

Kristen Stewart: Fame Is Like 'Being Raped'

Maureen O'Connor · 06/02/10 08:39AM

Sulky Stewart feels violated. Jane Lynch marries her girlfriend. Lindsay Lohan gets her wisdom teeth out, and special permission to use painkillers. Before Charlie Sheen enters his plea deal, he's going to Disneyland. Wednesday gossip looks on the bright side.

Bristol Palin Stayed Out All Night, Clubbing in New York

Maureen O'Connor · 05/07/10 08:21AM

It's how she celebrated the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Charlie Sheen's wife owns a sex swing. Kristen Stewart says she's not sulky. Meet LiLo's new best friend: Her 300-lb bodyguard. TGIFriday gossip.

Divorce, Hollywood Style

Maureen O'Connor · 05/05/10 01:10PM

For two decades, Charlie Sheen's personal life has been a battlefield of bitter ex-wives, broken engagements, porn stars, hookers, drug-fueled orgies, and domestic discord. No wonder his prenup—which we revealed yesterday—is so obsessed with minimizing risk.

Halle Berry Is Single, And Other Exciting News for Guys

Adrian Chen · 05/01/10 09:55AM

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry split. Chelsea Handler has a sex tape. Johnny Weir and Evan Lysacek are at war. Lance Armstrong's unborn baby has a Twitter account. A topless bong pic causes controversy. Saturday's gossip roundup is making waves.

Sandra Bullock Secretly Adopted a Baby, and Other Bombshells

Maureen O'Connor · 04/28/10 07:56AM

She's divorcing Jesse and will raise the baby alone. Larry King is a swinger. Lindsay blames a tawdry lie on her dad, who blames Perez Hilton. Courtney Love says Gavin cheated on Gwen with her. Wednesday's gossip cometh.