Trade Round-Up: The Godfather's Digital Resurrection
mark · 03/21/06 02:54PM
Electronic Arts and Paramount eagerly anticipate the reaction to today's release of their big-budget videogame adaptation of The Godfather; EA hopes it has a Grand Theft Auto-type hit on its hands, while Paramount fears posthumous reprisals from the ghost of Marlon Brando, who promised to haunt the Melrose lot for eternity should his partial voiceovers for the game bring shame to his legacy. [Variety]
SNL's "Lazy Sunday" put YouTube on Hollywood's radar, and ever since the industry can't decide if its wants to embrace the site or sue it off the planet. [THR]
Samuel L. Jackson and Josh Hartnett will star in Resurrecting the Champ, the story of a reporter and the homeless man who he thinks is a boxing champion, and who repeatedly swears at great volume at the crazy white boy who won't just leave him alone. [Variety]
The Cannes film festival line-up is starting to take shape, and will include the premiere of Marie Antoinette now that director Sofia Coppola has decided to jilt Venice in favor of the French. [THR]
SAG "perturbs" TV producers by still asking for strike authorization even after being offered a 14% residual increase, which would put them in line with the deals that producers already use to screw the DGA and WGA. [Variety]