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At the BAFTAs, Brokeback Mountain gets four awards, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Reese Witherspoon win best actor and actress, and cowboy bottom Jake Gyllenhaal shows up more extravagantly praised co-star Heath Ledger by winning the supporting actor trophy. [Variety]
Studio heads stock up on adult undergarments in anticipation of the bowel-loosening stress of the coming summer blockbuster season. [Variety]
Agents help out-of-work execs land their next gig out of the kindness of their hearts, not in hopes they'll be able to later leverage the career assistance into personal gain. [Variety]
Harrison Ford and red-hot Eight Below star Paul Walker team up for Hollywood Homicide 2: Blood on the Boulevard. OK, we made this one up. It's not our fault the trades are on vacation today. [Variety]