Trade Round-Up: Brits Not Loving The Explosion Of Their Landmarks

The Pink Panther tops V for Vendetta at the UK box office, where moviegoers apparently preferred to watch Steve Martin destroy a beloved movie franchise to seeing a masked terrorist blow up Parliament. [Variety]
Weinstein Co. picks up the North American rights to the Beatrix Potter biopic Miss Potter, starring Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor and Emily Watson, giving Zellweger still another chance to show off the British accent she used in the Bridget Jones movies. [THR]
Damage control double-feature: Variety ponders the unfair judgment of Brad Grey's Paramount before any of his new regime's movies are released. [Variety] Twice. [Variety]
Still more hott pilot casting action: Catherine Bell and Gary Cole in CBS drama Company Town; Mercedes Ruehl in untitled CBS Paul Reiser comedy; Rena Sofer in ABC's Mr. Nice Guy; Kevin Hart joins CBS comedy The Weekend. [THR]
Fox resurrects King of the Hill for another year, a show they had long ago left for dead, while giving another two years to The Simpsons, a show that may still be cranking out fresh episodes long after all of our bones have turned to dust. [Variety]