
Canadian Magazine Commits Incredibly Charming Copy-Editing Error About 10-Gallon Hats

Andy Cush · 06/03/16 03:10PM

Before a piece of journalism is published in a magazine or newspaper, it usually undergoes one or several rounds of edits, designed to make its arguments more forceful, its narrative more compelling, its language more unified, or its spelling and grammar more accurate. Occasionally, due to some small ignorance or misunderstanding about a writer’s meaning, an editor will make a change that has precisely the opposite of this clarifying effect. If you’ve read the headline on this post and know anything about the standard versus metric systems of measurement, you may already know where I’m going with this.

Canada to Legalize It

Hamilton Nolan · 04/20/16 04:20PM

Chilly but civilized American neighbor Canada announced today that it plans to legalize weed by this time next year.

Justin Trudeau’s Quantum Computing Explanation Was Likely Staged for Publicity

J.K. Trotter · 04/18/16 08:15AM

Justin Trudeau, the newly elected Prime Minister of Canada, received a wave of universally positive press last week after he appeared to explain the mechanics of quantum computing in an impromptu answer during a press conference held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Trudeau’s remarkably erudite explanation, captured in an instantaneously viral video, suggested a deep personal interest in the subject, one unrelated to any obvious publicity benefits. According to the sharp-eyed Canadian blogger J.J. McCullough, however, everything about the press conference—the setting, the question, and the answer—was choreographed by Trudeau himself.

I'm Lovin' These Pics of Two Friends! 

Allie Jones · 03/10/16 11:39AM

Newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is currently visiting President Barack Obama at the White House. Below please find a gallery of photos from the leaders’ joint statement on climate change this morning. As The New York Times notes, this is the first time a Canadian leader has visited Washington in 19 years—how lucky! We are truly living in North America’s Belle Époque.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/16 05:37PM

Canada’s relatively radical fight against economic inequality is hobbled by “the government’s insistence that the chief beneficiary of that fight will be the middle class — as opposed to the poor... living up to it appears to have produced policy designs that wouldn’t otherwise make much sense.”

60 Minutes Fucked Up Again  

Allie Jones · 03/07/16 12:12PM

Is the woman pictured above Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mother? Heh, no. That’s Kim Cattrall, the Canadian actress best known for her role on Sex and the City and best known in my heart for doing this. In a feature on the prime minister last night, however, CBS’ 60 Minutes misidentified her as Margaret Trudeau.

Not-Canadian Ted Cruz Forced to Defend His Eligibility to Be President

Brendan O'Connor · 01/10/16 09:27PM

Recently, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been raising the question of his rival Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president, implying that, because he was born in Canada, he is not a “natural-born citizen.” He is, of course, but that hardly seems to matter.

Against the Rules

Kelly Conaboy · 11/10/15 04:05PM

In life you have to take the good with the bad because you have no choice. Fine. In the forest, though, you should be able to put your foot down: no gross and scary stuff with the ground.