As Donald Trump surges in the polls, Canada is trying to make it even easier for anyone, even a horrified American, to obtain Canadian citizenship—a total coincidence, I’m sure.

The bill, proposed by Immigration Minister John McCallum, would shorten the residency requirement, meaning someone who began their application around, say, Super Tuesday, could conceivably become a citizen almost two full years before Trump’s first term ends.

There are also a host of provisions that would not affect an U.S. citizen looking to escape his or her own country, including the removal of terrorism and other crimes as grounds for the revocation of a dual citizenship.

Proponents of the bill say it’s aimed at restoring the status quo before the conservative leadership passed a restrictive immigration bill, Bill C-24, in 2014. (It would also have the effect of restoring the Canadian citizenship of Zakaria Amara, the ringleader of the Toronto 18, a group that had planned to bomb who was stripped of his dual citizenship in 2015.) Or it’s just a convenient cover story—who’s to say, really.

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