Is the woman pictured above Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mother? Heh, no. That’s Kim Cattrall, the Canadian actress best known for her role on Sex and the City and best known in my heart for doing this. In a feature on the prime minister last night, however, CBS’ 60 Minutes misidentified her as Margaret Trudeau.

As The Hollywood Reporter notes, that 1981 photo actually shows Cattrall “on a date with then-Canadian prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau.” (Margaret and Pierre separated in 1977.)

A CBS spokesman offered the following apology to The Hollywood Reporter: “We regret the error on one of the several video and still images shown of Margaret Trudeau. It was corrected online last night.”

Here is a photo of the real Margaret Trudeau in 1978:

The caption, via Getty: “Margaret Trudeau, former first-lady of Canada, now an aspiring actress, enjoys a dance at New York’s famous Studio 54 discotheque, with her latest boyfriend, millionaire Bruce Nevins.”

Canada is sexy and wild?

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