
Biz 2 pretends Mike Arrington is fun

Nick Douglas · 08/22/06 12:33PM

"Michael Arrington is a partying kind of guy," says Business 2.0 in their feature on the TechCrunch magnate and the other nouveau riche of blogging, as they describe the buildup to the crazy night of last weekend's TechCrunch7 party.

Geek out: Business 2.0's party for Om Malik

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 09:16PM

GigaOM blogger Om Malik is taking his tech site from hobby to business. His alma mater, Business 2.0, held a patio party for him at the Hotel Vitale. Guests included B2 editor Josh Quittner, Craigslist creator Craig Newmark, and a whole gang of delightful snarkers. These photos are from Scott Beale (aka "Long Tentacle") from Laughing Squid.

How to write an A-list

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 09:30AM

Biz magazine Business 2.0 is run by a savvy set of editors. They've learned (along with every other cunning but lazy journalist and blogger) that a list goes a long way further than a carefully assembled article, and that the former takes half the editing time of the latter.

Remainders: You know, you're allowed to make new fake photos

ndouglas · 03/28/06 10:03PM

¬ The bubble stretches backward in time when Wil Wheaton quotes MySpace's sale value as $850 million (the real price was $580 mil). Can we keep the falsely inflated figures to future valuations? [Suicide Girls]
¬ Someone writes about a desolate post-Apocalyptic Silicon Valley — and it's not a disgruntled ex-SketchUp employee. [PR Web]
¬ Fake Steve Jobs: same as Real Steve Jobs? [SF Gate]
¬ Oh, New Media, you're so lovable. Where could the mysterious iPod phone mockup floating around the blogosphere come from? How about Business 2.0's April 2005 cover? [Mac OS Rumors]
¬ Hey wait, that stock photo on Microsoft's piracy page...isn't that an iBook? []

Web x.x: the Web version list

ndouglas · 03/01/06 04:24PM

Business 2.0 has declared "Web 2.0" a tired phrase (rather cavalierly, given what that makes their own name). Now, they say, we should all call the new wave of interactive online products "The Next Net." But if you don't like that name, plenty of other pundits have their own. With the help of, here are the next versions of the Web, in varying degrees of seriousness:

Josh Quittner's underwear

ndouglas · 02/09/06 01:13PM

Josh Quittner wants his wife in fancy lingerie. According to her New York Times shopping column, the Business 2.0 editor begged Michelle Slatalla to wear something with "suspenders and satin bows and more truss work than the Eiffel Tower." Josh was denied this pleasure, and Michelle chose more sensible options (and blogged the less sensible).

New York media party

Gawker · 05/01/02 01:19AM

The first media party since I arrived in New York, the Slate event at which Jacob Weisberg was unveiled as...