The first media party since I arrived in New York, the Slate event at which Jacob Weisberg was unveiled as...

The first media party since I arrived in New York, the Slate event at which Jacob Weisberg was unveiled as the online magazine's new editor. I have to gush.
Sure, the crowd were bitchy. A New York Sun reporter was overheard dishing the dirt on the embryonic newspaper to Kurt Andersen, formerly of Inside, who will of course keep the information entirely to himself. And it was all inside baseball. What did Ned Desmond's new title at Business 2.0 really mean? As if anyone really cares. Everybody hates Wired's Chris Anderson except for James Truman and Si Newhouse. Not true, actually. Most people who know Anderson think he's a smart and charming guy.
But, dammit, New York media people are witty, and that isn't a word I've used in a while. Even the speeches - by Weisberg and Michael Kinsley, his predecessor - were entertaining. Kinsley, who said the change in editors was what Microsoft called a reorg, told a couple of good Redmond jokes. My walker for the evening, recently transplanted from San Francisco, said she was exhausted. Too many smart people, and the obligation to make intelligent conversation.
· Slate's new editor based in New York [Seattle Times]