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Business 2.0 has declared "Web 2.0" a tired phrase (rather cavalierly, given what that makes their own name). Now, they say, we should all call the new wave of interactive online products "The Next Net." But if you don't like that name, plenty of other pundits have their own. With the help of, here are the next versions of the Web, in varying degrees of seriousness:

Web 1.0 Summit: Interface on your Startac about monetizing eyeballs across the enterprise.
Web 2.0.1: Patch release. "There have been an inordinate number of map based applications. This was due to a programming creativity glitch. Shock collars have been distributed."
Web 2.0 comeback album: Back in Blog. Lyrics include, "Google AdSense! Ow! Oooh yeah!"
Web 3.11 for Workgroups: Only runs in 386 Enhanced Mode.
Web 4.0: No browsers, dynamically built applications, flying cars.
Web Infinity + 1.0

The Next Net 25 [Business 2.0]
The Great Web 2.0 Joke List 2.0 []