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Isn't this what Truman Capote did just before his decline? Business 2.0, the "New Economy" magazine that believes every good article is a better numbered list, published "50 People Who Matter Now" yesterday. And topping the list of usual suspects (Steve Jobs, the Google boys, some oil barons and a 37signals designer) is "You!"

Yes, it's worse than Time picking the American soldier as Person of the Year. Business 2.0 picks "you" because the plural "you" are a blogger, YouTube video poster, or Amazon reviewer. "You" are thus respectively an angry white man (and/or paid Gawker hack), thirteen-year-old boy playing with fire, or lonely high school American Literature student.

And yes, Business 2.0 drops the term "Web 3.0" without irony. Suddenly it's embarrassing that these people like you.

50 People Who Matter [Business 2.0]