
Meet the Newest Young Couple in Tech's Billionaire Boys Club

Ryan Tate · 09/19/11 05:25PM

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan get all the press, but they're hardly Silicon Valley's only pair with ten figures between them. Dropbox's twentysomething CEO Drew Houston just became a billionaire — and we hear he didn't reach that milestone alone.

How Dodgy Groupon Could Go Public Next Month

Ryan Tate · 09/15/11 07:09PM

After making noise during its federally mandated quiet period and after taking heat for a farcical accounting metric, Groupon might still be able to IPO next month. The online discounter's CEO just has to prove to the feds that he's not a liar.

Groupon Scrapped Its IPO Plans Amid Federal Questioning

Ryan Tate · 09/06/11 04:11PM

Surprise: Wildly unprofitable money pit Groupon canceled its investor roadshow and withdrew its IPO schedule, says the Wall Street Journal. Also, there's a new SEC inquiry into the company. But everything will be back on track just as soon as the tech bubble returns, honest!

Ruinous Startup Airbnb Will Expand Its Failure Division

Ryan Tate · 09/01/11 04:14PM

Airbnb, a website for renting your apartment to to tourist meth heads, has announced plans for a big expansion. Which is funny, because less than a month ago Airbnb was profusely apologizing for failing to protect customers, return phone calls or even blog properly. It must be time to lean in to the failure.

Is Groupon's Bizarre CEO Ruining His IPO?

Ryan Tate · 08/30/11 08:16PM

There's something charming about Andrew Mason's goofiness. "I feel like clout is something that builds up on your teeth," the Groupon CEO once told Today in response to a question about his influence. But with two top lieutenants out the door in as many weeks, you have to wonder if the antics are starting to grate.

26-Year-Old Founder Says He's Way Smarter Than 25-Year-Old Founders

Ryan Tate · 08/30/11 02:31PM

Don't begrudge Aaron Levie his $113 million in venture capital. Sure, his startup Box.net sounds an awful lot like Dropbox. And, yes, he's only 26. But at least he's not some snot nosed 25-year-old tech exec. Those guys are the worst, according to Aaron Levie.

Is Groupon Getting Desperate?

Ryan Tate · 08/23/11 09:46PM

Groupon recently disclosed it owes more to merchants than it has in the bank; the online discounter stays afloat only by selling new Groupons. So the Groupon's recent sales dive is particularly unwelcome.

Check Out the Repulsive Side of Silicon Valley

Ryan Tate · 08/22/11 04:35PM

Silicon Valley's loathsome side is ready for its closeup again, judging from the recent press. You know, the side that says it deserves a tech bubble even as it insists none is forming; the side that's greedy but pretends money doesn't matter; and the side that dresses up clubby insularity as a virtue.

Groupon Is Kinda Insolvent

Ryan Tate · 08/18/11 03:13PM

Groupon plans to sell itself to the public at a $30 billion valuation. It's worth noting, then, that the online discounter has accumulated liabilities that greatly exceed its assets and is now running low on cash. The technical term for this is "broke ass poor."

A Facebook Billionaire's Big Dumb Failure

Ryan Tate · 08/16/11 02:51PM

Peter Thiel is finally admitting there's a big blotch on his resumé that needs to be cleaned up. Becoming Facebook's first institutional investor was brilliant; thinking he was smart enough to predict big economic swings was incredibly dumb. Six billion dollars dumb. So Thiel will retreat into tech investing.

Groupon Triples Its Losses

Ryan Tate · 08/10/11 04:36PM

Groupon is getting ready to go public, so naturally the online discounts startup has ratcheted up the rate at which it is bleeding cash, posting a $103 million quarterly loss, triple the loss for the same period last year. If tech bubble investors demand growth at any cost, Groupon will damn sure give it to them.

Groupon's Bullshit Accounting Bewilders the Feds

Ryan Tate · 07/28/11 02:01PM

Because it loses tons of money, Groupon is promoting its IPO using an inflated income number that excludes marketing and customer acquisition costs. Why would you do that? Well, that's exactly what the SEC is now asking.

Googler Quits During Televised Speech

Ryan Tate · 07/27/11 05:37PM

Google wants to get into the LOLcat business, but Steve Yegge is damned if he's going to help; the engineer told a tech conference that "I am officially quitting that job on national TV." Also in today's Valleywag roundup: Google is showering programmers with 50 percent raises and trips to Paris; Karl Rove advertised in his favorite gay sex app; and a tech writer is minting money off a single review.

Ridiculous Tech Company Perks Are Back in Style

Adrian Chen · 07/06/11 11:47AM

It's that time of the tech boom-bust cycle. Perk time! Chocolate fountains? Check. Indoor tree houses? Check. If your office doesn't have a mechanical bull and a ball pit, you're just not going to attract the talent you need.

Twitter Is Magically Worth $7 Billion, Somehow

Ryan Tate · 07/05/11 04:55PM

An ongoing fundraising round values Twitter at nearly twice what it was worth in December, despite the company having failed to create a discernible business model in the interim, and despite admitting it needs new leadership. Welcome to the new tech economics.

FarmVille Is Going Public

Ryan Tate · 06/28/11 07:34PM

Zynga, the maker of FarmVille and other Facebook games, is expected to file for its initial public offering tomorrow or shortly thereafter, seeking a valuation of $15 billion to $20 billion. It's one of the tech bubble's most rational IPOs.

Foursquare's Value Grew Six-Fold in One Year

Ryan Tate · 06/27/11 01:37PM

Foursquare, the pointless check-in service with barely any revenue, is now worth more than six times what it was a year ago. Or so say the venture capitalists who just gave the hugely unprofitable company an infusion of cash.