
Oh, Good: The Groupon Bubble Is Already Popping

Ryan Tate · 11/22/11 06:14PM

There was a flurry of interest in Groupon's stock just before the IPO, driving up the price a bit. But Wall Street's crush on the online discounter was short-lived: Its stock plummeted today, for the second time in a month. Maybe reason will actually prevail in tech investing, just this once.

Blogger Gets Staggering $250,000 Retention Bonus

Ryan Tate · 11/21/11 03:02PM

Newspapers, magazines, TV networks and online conglomerates are laying off journalists left and right, but even the sad crumbling world of professional news delivery has a fortunate one percent. This elite group now includes Ben Parr, whose employer Mashable, the tech blog, paid him a $250,000 retention bonus only to turn around and fire him. Meet the happiest unemployed journalist in the world!

Watch a 12-Year-Old Put Your Startup To Shame

Ryan Tate · 11/14/11 06:11PM

This 12-year-old iPhone developer has a couple of all-too-rare things going for him: A solid product idea, and a strong ability to communicate with the public. The rest of the tech world should watch his TED talk—yes, his TED talk; what, haven't you done one?—and learn.

Investors Are Dying to Bet Against Groupon

Ryan Tate · 11/11/11 03:01PM

Want to short Groupon's stock? Get in line: the financially questionable online discounter is now ranked in the absolute most expensive category of stocks to bet against. Some 5.5 percent of the company's shares are out to short investors, versus 3.3 percent for an average S&P 500 issue.

Let's Rewrite Securities Law for Facebook

Ryan Tate · 11/08/11 10:21PM

Two senators introduced legislation to help Facebook further evade a 47-year-old SEC disclosure rule and take on a slew of new investors. Because that's the problem in America lately, you see: Corporations are too well regulated, and we know too much about the inner workings of large, heavily capitalized institutions.

The Groupon IPO Will Be Huge (God Help Us)

Ryan Tate · 11/03/11 07:12PM

Groupon goes public tomorrow, and the financially frightful coupon startup should be a stock market hit: With about 10 times more prospective buyer than shares, the stock priced today at $20, up from an expected $16 - $18. So it looks like the tech bubble, inflated heretofore by private investment deals, is going public. How exciting.

Who the Hell Is Going to Invest in Groupon?

Ryan Tate · 11/02/11 04:07PM

It's make or break time. Metastasizing corporate basketcase Groupon is going public Friday. Are stock investors crazy enough to value the unprofitable company at $11 billion?

Tech Welcomes Leonardo DiCaprio's Supermodel Ex

Ryan Tate · 10/26/11 01:59PM

First Ashton Kutcher, then Leonardo DiCaprio, and now Bar Refaeli. The Israeli supermodel is helping to complete the tech industry's co-optation by pretty people now that she's taken a stake in an Israeli underwear e-tailer.

The Insane Temptations of Two Tech Bloggers

Ryan Tate · 10/03/11 08:54PM

For TechCrunch's MG Siegler, temptation came from the clubby world of venture capital. For the New York Times' Nick Bilton, the lure was in the blindingly lit studios of a TV network. The writers made different choices—one took the money, the other turned it down—but the scope of their offers alone is the sign of a world gone mad.