
Facebook Employees Want Their Money Now

Ryan Tate · 06/16/11 08:45PM

Life is different near the center of the tech bubble. Facebook employees, due to earn staggering fortunes, are nevertheless sad. They'll have to wait six months for the money, you see.

Pandora Makes an IPO Fortune

Ryan Tate · 06/15/11 01:08PM

It's probably wildly overvalued, so don't buy the stock. But if you're a happy Pandora customer, you can cheer the news that the magical online radio service's IPO went well today. Three billion dollars well.

The Facebook Pump and Dump

Ryan Tate · 06/13/11 06:57PM

Someone is aggressively hyping Facebook to the financial community. Investors are being told the social network's value will double in 12 months — and quadruple over 18 months — to $100 billion. It sounds like someone has shares to unload.

There's Still Time to Sell All Your Gold

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 10:34AM

Perhaps you think of yourself as a "rational investor," and you're not normally "the type" to make major investment decisions based on the shrill urgings of a pop culture internet blog. Until now. Sell your gold! It's not too late!

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Gets $10 Million in Venture Funding

Ryan Tate · 06/01/11 05:12PM

A prominent startup founder dramatically unveiled a grilled cheese sandwich at the Wall Street Journal-affiliated "D" conference today and announced that a leading venture firm put upwards of $10 million into the cheese and bread combination. No, really.

Did Airbnb Scam Its Way To $1 Billion?

Ryan Tate · 05/31/11 07:28PM

Airbnb went from monstrously valued startup to accused unethical spammer in one day. The vacation rental website is taking its investors for a wild ride to the borderline of infamy, just like Facebook, Twitter, Zynga and so many other startups.

Arianna Says Buy AOL, Insane Investors Obey

Ryan Tate · 05/23/11 06:47PM

AOL's Arianna Huffington said at a conference today, "if you buy some AOL stock right now, you're going to make a lot of money." And people actually listened; AOL stock hit a 19-day peak. What is wrong with people?

LinkedIn's Monster IPO Is Terrifying

Ryan Tate · 05/19/11 12:58PM

LinkedIn shares more than doubled in price in their first day of trading, valuing the annoyingly pointless social network at more than $8 billion. Now that the social networking bubble has reached the masses, it isn't just annoying, it's dangerous.

Early Facebook Investors Want Out

Ryan Tate · 04/27/11 06:33PM

The Facebook investment bubble is apparently too inflated for some investors. Owners of close to $1 billion in Facebook stock are slashing their asking price as they push toward the exits, sources tell Reuters.

Ashton and Demi Are the Horsemen of the Tech Apocalypse

Ryan Tate · 04/19/11 12:12PM

How do we know Silicon Valley is inflating an unsustainable tech investment bubble? Because Hollywood dope Ashton Kutcher and his technologically enhanced mate Demi Moore have somehow become mascots for tech investment. Sell, by God. Sell!

Now's the Time to Bet Against Gold

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 04:16PM

Nothing loves disaster more than gold prices. Thanks to the unspeakable devastation in Japan, gold prices rose once again today, and investors have high hopes that they'll just keep on rising for the foreseeable future.

White House Staffers Got a Bigger Raise Than You Did Last Year

John Cook · 11/12/10 12:36PM

Did you get a raise last year? Seventy-four percent of White House staffers did, according a Gawker analysis of the White House's annual salary reports to Congress. Probably for the great job they're doing with the economy.

Huffing, Puffing, and Blowing Bubbles

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/10 03:21PM

The Way We Live Now: huffing and puffing and blowing houses down. We're talking economically, okay? Home equity has evaporated. Deflation is inevitable. Credit card rates are increasingly usurious. Your safe investments are bubbles. And your painting's been stolen. Blows.

10 Videos of Gigantic Bubbles!

Emmy Blotnick · 08/23/10 01:00PM

Soap bubbles never get old. They're exhilarating to pop when you're a kid, beautiful to watch when you're an adult and twee to play with when you're Zooey Deschanel. But how do they work?