
BREAKING: New 'Time' M.E. is Rick Stengel

Jesse · 05/17/06 10:15AM

Press release just out. Relevant details: Stengel is a longtime Time writer and editor who has been chief speechwriter for Bill Bradley's ill-fated presidential bid, and, most recently, president of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. A Princeton man like Jim Kelly and a Rhodes scholar like Kelly's predecessor, Walter Isaacson, Stengel at one point ran Time's online operations, which presumably made him an attractive choice in Time Inc.'s current we-love-the-web moment. He has written a few books, including You're Too Kind: A Brief History of Flattery, which, unflatteringly, we didn't much like.

'Village Voice': Chuck Eddy Has Left the Building

Jesse · 04/18/06 06:29PM

As we predicted earlier this afternoon, we've now received multiple tips that Chucky Eddy is gone from the Village Voice. And we've learned that Robert Christgau apparently ended a recent podcast — yes, we know someone who listens to them, ashamed though we are about it — certain that he, too, was about to fired. That's it, folks. Two more Voice legends down. At the rate they're going, that leaves, what, only Musto and Hentoff to go? Hope Mike Lacey has enough napkins.

Breaking: Seymour Ousted at 'Marie Claire'

Jesse · 04/18/06 12:57PM

WWD's Jeff Bercovici is reporting that Hearst Magazines is installing Joanna Coles as editor of Marie Claire. She replaces Lesley Jane Seymour, who has edited the magazine since 2001 and will now leave the company. Coles was previously executive editor of More, Meredith's magazine for baby-boomer women.

Breaking: 'Times' to Kill Boldface Column

Jesse · 04/11/06 11:25PM

Not quite enough news about gossip for you these days? Then throw this into the mix: Gawker has learned Variety will report in tomorrow's newspaper that the Times is set to shutter its quasi-gossip column, Boldface. Even better, we understand the report is accurate. No word yet on when the column will see its last day, nor on what will become of Wilmer Valderrama-fancying Boldfacer Campbell Robertson, who last we heard — months ago — was slated to become a regional education reporter for the paper. (It has yet to happen, and most recently we were hearing rumors that he'd be moving from the Metro desk to Culture, where he'd take over Jesse McKinley's theater-reporting beat.) For now, at least, Robertson seems to be assigned exclusively to Page Six coverage — today's Boldface carried a different byline — and so we imagine he'll be busy there for some time. Auntie Joyce Wadler's Columbia J-School Young'un, on the other hand, it seems will not be so fortunate. Which, come to think of it, sounds just about right for a j-school young'un.

'Post' Gossip Jared Paul Stern Suspended for Extorting Ron Burkle

Jessica · 04/07/06 08:48AM

Consider our jaws agape, because even we are near-speechless by what hit the wires at 11:30 last night. New York Post fixture Jared Paul Stern — who freelances for Page Six, edited the Page Six magazine, and as of two days ago was still handling the Post's Sunday book reviews — has been suspended from the paper pending an investigation by the FBI for extortion.

Breaking: AMI Replaces 'Enquirer' Editor, Sends Paper Back to Florida

Jesse · 04/04/06 04:30PM

And the next AMI shoe to drop: The National Enquirer is headed back to its old stomping grounds in Florida. Along with the move, it gets a new editor-in-chief as David Perel replaces Paul Field, who was imported from London a year ago. So much, it seems, for CEO David Pecker's year-old plan to consolidate all his pubs — tabloid and non-tabloid (less-tabloid?) — in a Manhattan headquarters. More TK from AMI this afternoon?

'Newsweek' News: Dorothy Kalins Is Out

Jesse · 03/31/06 04:05PM

We hear that Dorothy Kalins, the former Saveur editor-in-chief who arrived at Newsweek as executive editor five or so years ago to supervise a redesign and spice up the mag's back-of-book, is leaving her position. She'll be moving into a contributing editor gig and have a "consulting" role on WashPostCo.'s other magazines. Which sounds to us a bit like a kicked upstairs situation. Got any dirt on the move?

Today's Rumors: 'Voice' Cans Sylvester, Ridgeway?

Jesse · 03/31/06 02:05PM

We just got word that rock-writing wunderkind Nick Sylvester, who fabricated part of a recent Village Voice cover story but inexplicably was not fired when his boss was, has finally been fired. We don't have hard-and-fast confirmation on this, but we know a letter was recently drafted by acting editor Ward Harkavy breaking the news to young Sylvester, and rumor is the letter has been delivered. We're also hearing that Voice vet James Ridgeway, the political and investigative for the paper, has been let go, too. Got any info on this? Let us know. Updates as we get confirmation or details.

BREAKING: 'WWD' to Report 'Radar' Close to Funding, Yet Again

Jesse · 03/23/06 11:11PM

Maer Roshan is close to obtaining funding for yet another iteration of Radar, the magazine that refused to die, Gawker has learned Women's Wear Daily will report tomorrow. The new funder is likely to be California supermarket mogul Ron Burkle, a major donor to the Democratic party whose Yucaipa Companies private-equity firm is helping the Newspaper Guild-Communications Workers of America finance an employee-led buyout of nine unionized Knight Ridder newspapers. WWD will also report that the Rev. Jesse Jackson's family may join Burkle in underwriting Roshan's twice-failed magazine venture. Developing, sirens, exclamation points, must credit Gawker, etc. More info tomorrow, when Women's Wear actually publishes. Meantime, as the reverend says, keep hope alive.

Breaking Rumor: Is Judy Writing for 'The Atlantic'?

Jesse · 03/22/06 05:11PM

Last we heard from Judy Miller — or, at least, the last time we were paying attention to Judy Miller — she was skulking away from the Times and promising, in her negotiated farewell letter to the editor, to continue fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. "In my future writing," she vowed, "I intend to call attention to the internal and external threats to our country's freedoms — Al Qaeda and other forms of religious extremism, conventional and W.M.D. terrorism, and growing government secrecy in the name of national security — subjects that have long defined my work." But the question has been: For whom would so do this writing? Then we received an email from a reliable source:

If Star Jones Did Not Exist, It Would Have Been Necessary for the Tabloids to Invent Her

Jesse · 03/21/06 02:56PM

The National Enquirer is busy flacking a big Star Jones story the supermarket tab is breaking today, and we admit we're intrigued. But we're also sort of at a loss: Should we be joking about the fact a secret breast-lift procedure nearly killed her? Or that her husband, that not at all gay Al Reynolds, couldn't be at her side because he was in another hospital, across the country, after falling at the gym?

'Atlantic' Loss Is Conde Gain: Langewiesche and Murphy to 'VF'

Jesse · 03/17/06 03:49PM

We've been distracted away from monitoring Debbie Gibson's every waking moment — yes, she's still alive — long enough to get our hands on the first staff memo from newly appointed Atlantic editor James Bennet. It's not the best of news. William Langewiesche, the veteran national correspondent who reported and wrote the magazine's remarkable three-part series four years ago on the "unbuilding" of the World Trade Center, is leaving for Vanity Fair. We were all set to make a joke about how much we're looking forward to his in-depth pieces on tea parties thrown by Princess Michael of Kent, but then we got to the second paragraph of Bennet's memo. It seems Cullen Murphy, the managing editor who ably ran The Atlantic from Michael Kelly's death in April 2003 until his magazine was moved out from under him to Washington last year, will also be joining VF. He'll be a part-time editor.

Breaking: 'Village Voice' Axes Doug Simmons; Nick Sylvester Hangs On

Jesse · 03/13/06 05:28PM

Acting editor-in-chief Doug Simmons has been fired from the Village Voice, according to several sources at the paper. Word is that Mike Lacey, the editorial top dog of Village Voice Media, made the announcement at the troubled alt-weekly's 3 p.m. editorial meeting today. Simmons, the paper's managing editor until editor-in-chief Dan Forst resigned soon after the New Times deal closed in January, assinged and edited last week's now-retracted cover story, "Do You Wanna Kiss Me?," by Nick Sylvester. Sylvester subsequently admitted the piece contained a fabricated final scene.

Breaking: Doug Simmons Is Still the Acting 'Voice' Editor

Jesse · 03/02/06 05:24PM

"I'm still here, and in good standing," Doug Simmons, the beleaguered acting editor-in-chief of the Village Voice, told Gawker by phone just a few minutes ago. Then he laughed. "Well, maybe not in such good standing."

Get Yer Retracted 'Voice' Cover Story Here!

Jesse · 03/02/06 08:52AM

For the moment we'll ignore the Village Voice's repugnance in attempting to remove all traces of Nick Sylvester's at least partially fabricated cover story from its website. (Whether you like it or not, guys, you published the flawed work, and it's part of the historical record, and while of course you should attach an explanatory and corrective note, it's deeply disgusting to watch a newspaper — a newspaper! — try to throw inconvenient facts down the memory hole.) Instead we're treating it as a cat-and-mouse game.

The 'Voice' Is Even More Fucked Up Than Usual

Jesse · 03/01/06 05:16PM

Here's what we know: This week's Voice had a cover story by hotshot young Nick Sylvester reporting that men around New York are using Neil Strauss's The Game, about pickup artists and their techniques, and that women are increasingly aware of this and outsmarting their would-be seducers. We know said cover story has been removed from the Voice website. We know that the Voice's acting editor-in-chief Doug Simmons, to whom we were referred when we called because the paper's PR director has left the company, hasn't returned our message. And we're reliably informed that the newsroom — such as it is anymore — knows some sort of big shit is going down but isn't being told what.

Today in Bad Publishing News: 'Absolute' Folds

Jesse · 02/24/06 04:41PM

Absolute magazine — the recently launched lifestyle mag for people much, much wealthier than you are or will ever be — folded today, editor-in-chief Andrew Essex confirmed to Gawker. Twenty-six staffers, about half of them editorial, are out of work, including Essex. The move comes as a shock; we hear the mag's owners paid an office visit only two weeks ago and expressed nothing but confidence and support.