
Raw Videos of the Boston Marathon Explosions

Kate Bennert · 04/15/13 04:26PM

After one blast went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon this afternoon, people—reporters and spectators—grabbed their cameras only to witness a second blast in nearly the same location. One of the first videos from the finish line (above) shows many runners collapsing from the trauma of the blast. Below, victims are shown being wheeled away from the scene.

Three Dead and Over 100 Injured After Two Blasts Rock Boston Marathon

Max Read · 04/15/13 04:03PM

At least two homemade bombs detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon in Copley Square just before 3 p.m. today, setting off explosions that killed three people and injured more than 100, many of whom lost limbs. According to early reports, three other explosive devices were found nearby, one of which was set off by police in a controlled detonation (a simultaneous fire at the JFK Library is said to have been unrelated). There are no suspects in custody, but police are searching for a person of interest who tried to gain access to a restricted area just before the bombs went off.

Photos From The Boston Marathon Bombing

Adrian Chen · 04/15/13 03:40PM

Two explosions rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon today. Here are some of the latest photos from the scene. Warning: Some of these images, particularly the one at the bottom of this post, are graphic. [all photos via AP and Getty.]

Three Dead and Over 100 Injured After Two Blasts Rock Boston Marathon

Cord Jefferson · 04/15/13 01:58PM

Two explosions tore through downtown Boston today, killing at least three of the thousands of people who'd gathered to watch that city's famous marathon race. The explosions went off near the race's finish line, causing mass panic and ripping off people's limbs, according to early eyewitness accounts. Explosives units have been dispatched to investigate another suspicious device in the area as EMTs and doctors attend to the reportedly dozens of wounded.

Boston Still Drunk, But Not In Jail

The Oiler · 04/07/13 09:00AM

Everyone knows there's literally nothing to do in Boston except get drunk (two of Time Magazine's Top 10 Things to Do in Boston involve looking at bodies of water). So maybe that's why cops are being so lenient to those who decide to get obliterated in the city.

Lamestain Boston Cops Google 'Punk Rocker,' Use Results to Crack Down on Local Music, DIY House Shows

Camille Dodero · 03/29/13 03:42PM

Joe Sly is such a hardcore Boston punk. He's so punk, his email address is He's so punk that he proactively emails noise bands to see when and where they're coming to Boston to play some of those "DIY concerts." He's so punk his Google+ motto—this oxymoron just gets better—is "What's the point," his disaffection so deeply punk the statement doesn't even merit a question mark on his profile.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/13 11:28AM

How to get to Boston now that the government has ordered Fung Wah buses to shut down? Don't go to Boston. Boston sucks.

Please God No More Boston Gangster Movies

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/13 06:03PM

Today, in movie news, we learn that Johnny Depp will be playing the role of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger in an upcoming film based on Bulger's life. This should not be confused with the other Whitey Bulger Boston gangster movie that Ben Affleck will be making after he makes a movie based on a Dennis Lehane novel that is also about Boston gangsters.