
Bombing Suspect's Uncle Makes Raw Emotional Plea, Goes Viral

Cord Jefferson · 04/19/13 12:55PM

If a "star" is to emerge from this week of bloodshed and panic, it would seem that star has quickly become Ruslan Tsarni, uncle to suspected Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Tamerlan is now dead following an early morning standoff with police. As authorities continue looking for Tamerlan's younger brother, the men's Uncle Ruslan took questions outside of his home in Montgomery Village, Maryland.

Everybody Named the Wrong Boston Suspects Last Night and Promptly Forgot

Adam Weinstein · 04/19/13 12:01PM

Last night around 3:00 a.m., at the conclusion of several hours of insane police-scanner monitoring and reports of gunfights and explosions in the Boston suburbs, local law enforcement officials on their working radio band identified their quarry by name:

The Boston Marathon Manhunt

Max Read · 04/19/13 08:55AM

The city of Boston has been asked to shelter in place as police hunt for a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, and his brother Tamerlan, 26, both suspects in the attack, allegedly engaged in a shootout with police in Watertown, Mass. last night; Tamerlan was killed and Dzhokhar fled.

The Boston Marathon Manhunt: Live Updates

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/18/13 10:23PM

Hundreds of thousands of people have been asked to remain in their homes while police hunt for Tsarnaev. Click here for live updates.

We Are All Cowards Now

Cord Jefferson · 04/17/13 04:00PM

The most common refrain you hear in the wake of tragedies like Monday's Boston Marathon bombing is also the one that sounds most like a redneck bumper sticker: "Don't be scared." In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday, author and security expert Bruce Schneier said the appropriate response to terrorist violence is to face it fearlessly: "If you are scared, they win. If you refuse to be scared, they lose, no matter how much carnage they commit."

Marathon Bombing Suspect Has Been Arrested and Is In Custody But Has Not Been Arrested and May Not Exist

Kate Bennert · 04/17/13 02:02PM

This is what has been happening on cable news for the past few hours: After insisting that they had confirmation from two separate sources that an arrest had been made in the marathon bombing, and while ignoring reports from nearly every other source that said otherwise, CNN was forced to admit that there were then three sources telling them that no arrest had been made and just recently changed their report status to "conflicted." Meanwhile, there were several different descriptions of the "suspect" that was never identified in the first place in is not at all in custody but might be for all we know.

Here Is What's Left of the Boston Marathon Bombs

Maggie Lange · 04/17/13 11:39AM

These new photos, taken of the scene of the Boston marathon attacks on Monday, show fragments of the two bombs that detonated at the finish line. The images—which show frayed wires, a misshapen battery pack, a bloody zipper-pull from a backpack, nails, a small green circuit board, and dented metal fragments—will provide clues to the anatomy of the bombs. Authorities are weeding through heaps of forensic evidence at the site to try to find some answers and track suspects.

FBI Pleads for Help in 'Wide Open' Marathon Bombing Investigation

Max Read · 04/17/13 07:03AM

Here's what investigators have said they know, so far, about the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 183 people on Monday: The explosive devices used were built out of conventional pressure cookers placed in nylon backpacks. What they don't know: anything else. The "range of suspects and motives remains wide open [...] Someone knows who did this," Special Agent Richard DesLauriers, the lead investigator, told reporters. "[T]he person who did this is someone's friend, neighbor, coworker or relative." The Bureau is actively soliciting photographs, tips and information; examining the bombs; and using face-recognition software in an attempt to generate leads. No one has claimed responsibility, and the "Saudi national" briefly placed in custody after the bombing (whose suspecthood was loudly touted by the New York Post and Fox) is no longer a person of interest. It will be a "long, painstaking investigation," Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told WBUR this morning, but "every hour, every day" will get us "a little closer." [NBC, AP, image, of the Public Garden following an interfaith service at Arlington Street Church in Boston, via AFP/Getty]

Here Is Video of a Pressure-Cooker Bomb Exploding, and Here Is Who Knows How to Build Them

Adam Weinstein · 04/16/13 02:20PM

An unnamed FBI official has told CBS News that at least one of the explosive devices detonated in Boston yesterday appears to have been improvised from a conventional pressure-cooker. Unnamed law enforcement officials don't exactly have the strongest record of credibility in the immediate aftermath of events like these, but federal authorities are well-acquainted with this type of IED.

The 13 Most Obnoxious Marathon-Bombing Tweets

Tom Scocca · 04/16/13 12:45PM

What do you do with your instantly publishing short-form social-media account when something big has happened but you don't know exactly what? Correct answer: nothing. But in the absence of reliable information yesterday, reflexive Twitter users filled the time by emptying out the preexisting contents of their heads.

President Obama Appeases Cable News, Calls Boston Bombings 'Act of Terror'

Kate Bennert · 04/16/13 11:22AM

"Anytime bombs are used to terrorize innocent civilians, it is an act of terror," President Obama clarified, citing a definition of terrorism. Now that that's cleared up, we can talk about the fact that we still know nothing about the bombing. The President went on to say:

RIP Martin Richard

Leah Beckmann · 04/16/13 09:51AM

Martin Richard, 8, was killed yesterday in the Boston Marathon bombings while standing with his mother and younger sister waiting for his father, William, to cross the finish line. His mother, Denise, and his six-year-old sister are reported to have been seriously injured. According to TV station WHD, Martin's mother underwent surgery for an injury to her brain and his sister lost a leg in the explosion.

Everything We Know About the Boston Marathon Bombing

Max Read · 04/16/13 06:39AM

Yesterday, two bombs detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring more than 100 people. Here's everything we know about the bombing, its aftermath, and the hunt for the culprits.

President Obama: "Any Responsible People or Groups Will Feel the Full Weight of Justice"

Kate Bennert · 04/15/13 05:42PM

President Obama held a no-nonsense press conference moments ago where he promised to bring any responsible parties to justice, but clarified that they had no information yet on who those responsible parties might be. He expressed sympathy for the victims, stating that he and Michelle are sending their "deepest thought and prayers to the families of the victims," and assured us that Boston would have every single federal resource available to them. If only it didn't seem as if the President had addressed the nation in a time of tragedy far too many times in recent history.