
Homeless Man Returns Backpack Full of Cash to Best Buy Employee

Lacey Donohue · 09/15/13 06:26PM

A homeless man found a backpack filled with a large sum of money, travelers checks, and a passport outside a Dorchester mall in Massachusetts on Saturday and turned it over to police officers. He alerted Boston police in front of the South Bay Mall TJ Maxx store and gave them the bag filled with $2,400 in cash, $39,500 in traveler’s checks, and a Republic of China passport. The Good Samaritan, according to Boston police, could only provide them with his name and the address of the shelter where he is currently staying.

Undead Goose Haunts the Boston Sky, Refuses to Pass On

Caity Weaver · 08/09/13 03:05PM

A terrible, honking specter with a hole in his head and a heart ossified by hate will soon return to haunt the skies above Boston, taunting the mortals below and hissing in the face of their “God."

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 02:32PM

The day after Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally captured, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick "got 'quite drunk' alone in a restaurant."

Bro Wearing 'Teabag the Rags' Shirt Accused of Exposing Himself

Camille Dodero · 05/24/13 04:15PM

It is completely unthinkable that the gentleman above, a kindly Massachusetts fellow wearing a TEABAG THE RAGS shirt with the New York Rangers logo shaped like a pair of testicles, would ever remove his genitals from his pants and show them to strangers. Especially not mere hours after last Sunday's Bruins-Rangers playoff game.

Camille Dodero · 04/25/13 12:50PM

Boston's Suffolk University is reporting police activity related to an alleged shooting and a recovered weapon on the nearby Boston Common. Update: it may've been a BB gun.

This Is What It's Like to Be a Muslim in Boston Right Now

Camille Dodero · 04/24/13 12:55PM

When Anum Hussain heard about the Boston Marathon bombing, she immediately panicked, worried that the culprits would be like her. The 22-year-old Muslim was in the offices of Hubspot, the Cambridge marketing-software company she works for full-time. As her coworkers frantically rushed to call loved ones who'd been out watching the marathon that day, she was glued to the TV, fearing what she might learn about potential suspects. “My heart was beating fast, just praying that this person didn't turn out to be Muslim,” she recalled. “I knew that if they were, all hell was going to break loose.”

Fox News Ninja Expertly Foils On-Air Lip Assault

Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/23/13 08:08AM

While reporting from Boston on new bombing investigation details, Fox News reporter Mike Tobin — or, rather, his cheeks — were abruptly ambushed by two pursed-lipped live-shot invaders.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Might Have Tried to Kill Himself During Apprehension

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/21/13 03:19PM

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev remains heavily sedated at a Boston Hospital, as investigators wait for him to regain the ability to communicate before they interrogate him. Unfortunately for investigators, he suffered a serious injury to his neck, that might prevent him from speaking for some time or at all. Authorities are trying to determine whether the shot that injured the suspect was self-inflicted, and believe it to be a strong possibility "because of the trajectory and location of the bullet wound in his neck."

Police Release Thermal Imaging Video Of Capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/21/13 09:15AM

Police used thermal imaging from a helicopter to monitor Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's movement inside of the boat he had been hiding in, when they apprehended him Friday night. Dzhokhar, who was bleeding profusely, remains prone on the floor of the boat for much of the video, as police use a robot to tear away the tarp covering the boat, as well as throw what appears to be flash-bang grenades at the boat.

Russia Warned FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev Before Bombing

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/20/13 05:15PM

New details about the brothers suspected of being behind the Boston Marathon have slowly trickled out today. Investigators are now focusing on a 2011 trip to Russia by the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, where they believe he became radicalized by extremist groups in the north Caucasus region. Russia had asked the FBI to look into Tamerlan's extremist ties, but the FBI's investigation yielded nothing of note and after interviewing him, kept no tabs on him. "The F.B.I. did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign," the FBI said in a statement.

Dzhokar Tsarnaev In Custody After Tense Standoff on a Boat

Cord Jefferson · 04/19/13 05:02PM

Four days after he and his older brother, Tamerlan, allegedly bombed the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring dozens more, 19-year-old Dzhokar Tsarnaev is finally in custody. The days-long manhunt ended as bizarrely and gruesomely as it started: with Dzhokar trapped on a boat in a Watertown, Massachusetts, backyard, covered in blood—possibly his own—and surrounded by police. After a lengthy standoff and a conversation with a negotiator, Dzhokar turned himself over to the authorities.