
Buy your friend a drink

Nick Douglas · 09/12/07 07:08PM

"A new way to buy someone a drink online!" I love that a site named adds an explanatory tagline. Buy a "drink certificate" (only good at participating bars) and the recipient gets a text message and e-mail with a gift code. So it's like buying a drink but more expensive and involves making a barkeep check codes. If I lived near one of these bars, I'd wait until the bartenders got tired of checking codes and just use fake ones. But then I'd have to pretend I'm friends with someone dumb enough to use this site.

The Facebooker's guide to Palo Alto nightlife

Megan McCarthy · 08/09/07 05:30PM

Let's say you're a recent college grad, looking to join one of Silicon Valley's most buzzed-about companies. Facebook, with its drumbeat of hints pointing to an IPO, seems like a potentially profitable choice. And, since they offer a $600 stipend if you live within a mile of the office, you decide to live in Palo Alto, even though you might prefer San Francisco. Think there's nothing going on in Palo Alto? Wrong. Even if you burn the midnight oil, there are spots to refuel — or wind down. Here's your guide to the nightlife offerings within stumbling distance of Facebook HQ.

mark · 07/31/07 03:31PM

"Hennessy SIGHTING! Below is a great sighting from the Imagen Awards this past weekend. Let me know if you need any additional details!

Megan McCarthy · 07/12/07 08:56PM

At Fortune's iMeme conference, Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz repeats a tired old quote about how he likes to drink wine from a bottle while his predecessor, Scott McNealy, drinks wine out of a box. Quips a reporter: "Maybe they should hire someone who likes to drink wine out of a glass and see where that takes them." []

Lindsay Lohan's Upcoming 21st Birthday Party Meltdown Brought To You By Svedka Vodka

mark · 05/23/07 11:21AM

Having ultimately decided that inviting Generalissimo Hugo's Bolivian Marching Powder™ to sponsor alleged wardrobe-pirate Lindsay Lohan's 21st birthday bash [Ed.note—They grow up so fast after multiple, suspicious dehydration episodes, don't they?] in Vegas might draw unwanted attention from federal drug enforcement agencies, her event planners have decided to go with the second-most logical patron for a recent rehab graduate and noted AA groupie's coming-of-legal-drinking-age party: a mid-range vodka company. Reports today's Gatecrasher column:

I'll have what he's having: Specialty cocktails for the tech world

Nick Douglas · 12/29/06 08:02AM

NICK DOUGLAS — Another year and the bubble hasn't popped! Sysadmins and C-level execs alike, you deserve something special, like a drink named after you or your latest achievement. And Yahoos deserve a drink all to themselves. So after the first champagne, order these official cocktails for techies in 2007!

The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

Geek out: Valleywag's first SloshCon is a sozzled success

Nick Douglas · 06/09/06 11:45PM

Valleywag's first SloshCon at the House of Shields was so successful that my hangover's having baby hangovers. Remember the live-audience interviews and speeches on the game plan? Scrapped. We didn't want to ruin the vibe (half the crowd had arrived in the first 20 minutes), so we all kept on drinking and bullshitting one-on-one. (Top photo by Jeremiah Owyang)

SloshCon: The morning after

Nick Douglas · 06/09/06 12:06PM

Good morning waggers! Valleywag didn't abandon you, he just forgot to pre-post before getting drunk on the corporate dime last night.

To-Do: Meet Markoff, the LJ guy, your maker

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 02:30PM

Great weekend ahead, and I'm not just saying that 'cause Valleywag takes a half-day tomorrow. Here — meet someone important by Memorial Day and pump 'em for info.

To-Do this week: Liquid lunch

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 03:07PM

Pick your poison in this booze-soaked week of geek gatherings. As usual, links go to each event's page.