• Discover why you should care about social bookmarking. SF Tech Sessions holds a meeting tonight from 7-9pm at CNet in San Francisco. Ma.gnolia founder Larry Halff, David Galbraith from Wists, and Kaboodle CEO Manish Chandra are slated to speak. $5 at the door gets you all the pizza and bottled water you can carry. [SF Tech Sessions]
  • A neuroscientist explains how aging brains work, at San Francisco's Bazaar Cafe. Given the city's average adult age, "aging" here means "past 30." [Ask a Scientist]
  • Just move to the Bay Area from Beer Country? Pay $60 for this San Mateo event and learn what wine goes with what food. Hint: Everything goes with salmon. [Local Wine Events]
  • Update: Sold out. Hear a man even more full of himself than a Silicon Valley bigshot: Evolutionist author Richard Dawkins speaks in San Francisco. [Eventful]

With contributions from Megan McCarthy