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Pick your poison in this booze-soaked week of geek gatherings. As usual, links go to each event's page.

  • Tuesday afternoon: Come to Mountain View for martinis at the third Two Martini Tuesday. [Upcoming]
  • Tuesday night: Then hit San Jose for beer at Tony Soprano's Pizzeria in San Jose. It's a Geek Dinner featuring bloggers, podcasters, and their fans. [Upcoming]
  • Thursday: More beer and pizza at Lanesplitter's for the Berkeley Tribe member meetup. (Only 97 days until Burning Man, guys!) [Upcoming]
  • Friday to Sunday: This weekend, get out your corkscrew for all the vino flowing at Wine Camp. The whole Web 2.0 gang — Tara Hunt of Riya, developers from Technorati and Rubyred Labs, blogger Susan Mernit will be supping some very fancy Kool-Aid at this BarCamp spinoff. [Upcoming]