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We're certainly not paying $2 billion for Facebook. If the price was right I'd be interested in it.

So says News Corp dealmaker Ross Levinsohn, who bought MySpace for $580 last year, when it was already more trafficked than Facebook.

Looks like Facebook's recent rejection of a $750-million offer is still bringing in bad PR: giga-blogger Om Malik, not satisfied with showing Facebook's flagging Alexa-reported traffic, graphed out Facebook's inadequacy with more specific ComScore metrics.

Meanwhile, VC blogger Paul Kedrosky figures Facebook's a ticking time bomb, since its college-student users have a nasty habit of graduating.

Tried to reach my only contact at Facebook, but he's in Bora Bora. Is the Facebook management escaping to tropical paradises while selling the company for ten times its value? (No, but it's fun to ask.)

Facebook: $750 million or $2 Billion [GigaOM]
Fox on Facebook: Not at These Prices [Paul Kedrosky]