
America's Inner Cities Overrun by White Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 10:02AM

The "Good Old Days" in America, when White Sue and Pale Johnny only viewed their nearest city's urban hellscape through the windows of a speeding SUV as they drove back to the suburbs after watching the big ballgame are over. Consider America's ongoing demographic trends: the evolution of suburbs into slums; the migration of black Americans from Northern cities back to the South; every god damn 22 year-old who's ever strummed an acoustic guitar moving to Austin. The writing is on the wall. And now, the data has confirmed what we all feared: America's cities are full of white kids.

You're Messing Up Our Neat Little Racial Categories

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 11:50AM

What has happened to the neat and tidy racial divisions placed unto our planet by god himself? I'll tell you what's happened to them: lots of fucking. We can no longer tell who's what just by looking! We can no longer trust our suburban redoubts to be lily-white! We can no longer make convenient racial jokes secure in the knowledge that no one in listening range belongs to one of the ethnicities being mocked! Nooooooo!

Black Male Students Doing Worse Than Bad

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/10 12:10PM

A new report about our glorious post-racial American education system reveals that black males are doing absolutely horribly by nearly every measure. Oh, you knew that already? No, we mean worse than was already thought. Which is bad.

How to Sell Stuff to Anyone: Stereotypically

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/10 01:10PM

If you want to hear straight talk about race, ethnicity, and cultural stereotypes in America, look to the advertising community. They know what sells. To black people! To Latinos! To gays! If stereotypes are true, ads will prove it.

Racial Stereotypes All Proven True

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/10 08:18AM

A task force reports that cops who get shot by other cops are often victims of—well, "race may play a role in an officer's instantaneous assessment." Color us shocked! Any other news today that reinforces conventional stereotypes even more?

Stereotypes Wear Magnums. Shouldn't You?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 09:30AM

Magnum condoms, for those of you who don't know (not me), are big condoms that are great for when your penis is extra large. Who better to promote Magnum condoms than rappers, who have extra-large penises, as everyone knows?