
Stop Calling Black People 'Urban'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/12 01:32PM

Here is what the word "urban" means: "of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town; living in a city; characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified." Here is what the word "urban" does not, in fact, mean: "black person." Let's all do our part to keep this straight.

Black People Getting Cable Channels Just as Vapid as White People's Cable Channels

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/12 10:20AM

When Comcast acquired NBC Universal, part of its deal with the FCC was that it would "launch 10 new independently owned cable channels, with most backed by African Americans and Latinos, by 2018." Well. The first two Black People Channels have been announced. Black people, prepare for a fiesta of cable mediocrity!

What Comes After Segregation?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/31/12 11:56AM

Fifty years ago, segregation seemed to be the most pressing racial problem in America. The civil rights movement took it as its explicit goal to end segregation. Integration was seen as the logical precursor to equality. If separate meant unequal, then living together could only mean equality.

Cheer Up, It's Bad Everywhere

Hamilton Nolan · 11/29/11 04:05PM

Each of the individual "states"—the little McNugget-shaped landmasses that make up the United "States" of America—have their very own little economies, just like a real country. Perhaps, although the entire USA is broke as a motherfucker, taking a "granular" look at the state level will revel that, like a weird, unseen quantum world, their own economies are stronger than expected. Maybe?

Is the TSA Racial Profiling?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/11 01:08PM

A job for you, perpetually outraged internet hordes! In the New York Times today, Joe Sharkey writes a purely anecdotal story suggesting that the TSA may be racially profiling protecting Americans by patting down black women's hair. Is it true?

Whites Win Control of Nation's Capital

Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/11 11:08AM

Free at last! For the past half-century, the capital of our whole entire nation (Washington, DC) has been under the numerical dominance of second-class citizens: black people. Sounds like bad PR, for America!

Southern Baptists ThisClose to Having a Black Leader

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 08:21AM

The Southern Baptist church is the second-biggest church in America (after Catholics), and the biggest church of all down South. Meaning that it also has thoroughly racist roots! And now, they're ready to put a black guy in charge. *Tear.*

Courtney Love: Check Out This Drug That Gives You 'Intense Hallucinations'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/25/11 01:40PM

"The one drug I'd like to try one day is Ayahuasca, which should be mandatory for everybody. It's apparently this crazy tea that gives you these intense hallucinations. Everyone who takes it sees a wise old black man who takes you on a wild journey. I'm not going to name names, but everyone who takes it sees the same black guy. I'm not kidding you. Everyone!" —Courtney Love in an interview with The Fix about sobriety.

Dove Body Wash: Strong Enough to Turn a Black Woman White

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/11 02:40PM

Dove VisibleCare body wash: "Visibly more beautiful skin." Bye-bye black skin, hello white skin! (Scrub hard!) Can this ad possibly be real? Some people think it is! We've emailed Dove's representatives for confirmation, and we'll update with their reply. If real, this could be the most (unintentionally) racist skin care product ad in... about ten months.

Can Donald Trump Win Support from 'The Blacks'?

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 03:39PM

Shrieking low-brow parody of capitalism Donald Trump has weighed in on his chances of siphoning African-American voters from President Obama in their pretend presidential race: "I have a great relationship with the blacks." Care to respond, The Blacks?