
This Is a Very Rude Owl

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/06/15 07:45PM

Sure you can talk all you want about how You’re anthropomorphizing a dumb bird Gabrielle, and, Wouldn’t it be nice to get off YouTube and out of the house, but don’t tell me this asshole didn’t know exactly what he was doing.

Woman: Whoops, My Parrot Made Me Crash My Damn Car

Dayna Evans · 04/16/15 12:30PM

Parrots seem like good enough birds, in the scheme of all the other birds. Colorful and fun and they can mimic human voices—what's not to love? That being said, parrots are birds and not people—they will not help you drive your car—so if you're the kind of person who brings your parrot on car rides without keeping your eyes on the road, you're probably going to crash and it won't be the bird's fault.

Adult Lawmaker Ruins Children's Bill Submission With Anti-Abortion Joke

Andy Cush · 03/20/15 09:51AM

A group of New Hampshire fourth-graders who traveled to the state's capital in Concord to learn about the joys of civic engagement were given a surprisingly realistic picture of the American legislative process after one lawmaker used their bill—a proposal to name the red-tailed hawk the official state raptor—as an opportunity to rail against the evils of abortion.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/14 05:04PM

A new study estimates that Europe has suffered "a decrease of 421 million individual birds" in the past 30 years.

Pope Francis Blesses Porn Actor's Parrot

Ken Layne · 01/31/14 12:35PM

When an Italian porn star brought his parrot named Amore to see Pope Francis on Wednesday, the pope treated the green bird with the dignity and respect owed to any parrot. The bird received a papal blessing.