
What Did Internet Troll Chuck Johnson Know About Peter Thiel’s Secret War on Gawker?

J.K. Trotter · 06/17/16 04:05PM

Earlier this week, Forbes revisited the tale of the notorious right-wing internet troll Charles C. Johnson and his $55 million defamation lawsuit against Gawker Media. The lawsuit, which concerns a series of stories Gawker and Deadspin published in late 2014, was dismissed in Missouri earlier this year; a similar complaint has languished in California with no action for several months (Gawker Media expects that it will be dismissed as well). What makes Johnson’s litigation particularly noteworthy, however, is the circumstantial evidence surrounding it. According to Forbes, some of this evidence suggests that Johnson had knowledge of Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel’s secret, decade-long legal attack on Gawker prior to its exposure last month.

David French: Donald Trump's Campaign Threatened My Wife

Sam Biddle · 06/07/16 10:05AM

David French, who mounted a third party presidential campaign for several days last week, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe variety show this morning for some reason, and said the Trump campaign tried to menace his wife and spook him out of running.

Bill Kristol's President Pick Is a Hot-Taking Blogger Who Loves World of Warcraft and Hates SJWs

Andy Cush · 06/01/16 02:25PM

Yesterday, the identity of Bill Kristol’s mythical Trump-beating independent presidential candidate was revealed as the Iraqi Freedom veteran, constitutional lawyer, and National Review writer David A. French. Never heard of him? Neither had I, so I spent the morning going through his byline, and found some other lines he might add to his resume, such as: Gamergate supporter, lover of nukes, hater of feminism, record-holder for most uses of the term “sexual revolution” when describing his fear of gay and trans people, and, by his own accounting, man who has no realistic chance of becoming president.

J.K. Trotter · 01/29/16 06:08PM

Daily Intelligencer has a great compendium of Weekly Standard editor and conservative pundit Bill Kristol’s preternaturally wrong predictions about Donald Trump’s rise (which is merely one of the things Kristol has been very wrong about).

All the Dumb Pundits and Reporters Who Said Biden Was Definitely Running for President

Allie Jones · 10/21/15 01:04PM

Vice President Joe Biden announced in a speech in the White House’s Rose Garden today that he is not running for president. This is a real bummer for the American public, which deserves, if nothing else, more election entertainment. It’s an even bigger bummer for all the pundits and political journalists who confidently reported—with sources and everything—that Biden was going to run.

Why Are Conservatives 'Turning' on Glenn Beck?

Jim Newell · 02/09/11 03:07PM

Ever since the Egyptian protests began two weeks ago, the conservative movement has been struggling to spread a lockstep message through its top spokespeople.

Marry, Fuck, Kill: Fox News Edition

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 04:12PM

This morning, Howard Stern challenged Fox News' Megyn Kelly, host of American Live, to play Marry, Fuck, Kill with a triumvirate of Fox News blowhards: Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Talk about a rock and a hard place.