
Meet Ben Carson's Republican Christian Rapper Friend, Aspiring Mogul

Jay Hathaway · 11/05/15 03:37PM

Ben Carson’s new “urban” radio ad drops Friday in eight cities, including Miami, Atlanta, and Houston, with the goal of reaching out to young black voters who, the Carson campaign admits, are “a non-traditional voting market for Republicans.” Carson has already picked up one vote from that market, though, in Aspiring Mogul, the self-described “Christian Republican Rapper” who raps in the ad alongside snippets of Carson’s stump speech.

Ben Carson Is Black

Hamilton Nolan · 10/30/15 12:25PM

Jonah Goldberg, a Republican National Review columnist, is a white man. Do you think this means that he is not attuned to the nuances of race in America? You are wrong.

Ben Carson Denies Involvement With the Nutritional Supplement Company He Was Involved With For Years

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/28/15 09:27PM

Over the last ten years, Ben Carson has given speeches for Mannatech, a sketchy nutritional supplement company that does not, surprisingly, produce actual snake oil. He’s appeared in infomercials. He admits the company helped fund his endowed chair at Johns Hopkins. He even endorsed their product during the GOP debate Wednesday. But one thing he denies? Having “any kind of relationship with them.” Huh?

Dr. Ben Carson Really Wants You to Know He Stabbed Someone as a Teen

Jay Hathaway · 10/28/15 05:10PM

One of the formative stories in frontrunning GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s life, a tale he’s told in no less than six of his books and trotted out again on the campaign trail this year, describes how, as a teen, he became so enraged that he stabbed another boy. In every version of the story, the boy’s metal belt buckle fortuitously saves him from Carson’s stabbity wrath. But, as the Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick noticed when he compared Carson’s accounts, that’s the only detail that’s consistent across all of them.

Complaint: Ben Carson Saved Real Money at Costco Approving Stock Options Fraud

Matthew Phelan · 10/13/15 03:04PM

Politics aside, few would argue that GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson—a retired pediatric neurosurgeon—isn’t a bright guy. So what does it mean that, while serving on Costco’s board from 2002 to 2005, Ben Carson was accused of granting over 1.01 million shares worth of illegally backdated stock options?

Brendan O'Connor · 10/10/15 02:15PM

“Granted, I was not there. Granted, hindsight is 20/20. But it turns out it was a bad idea for any Jew to have turned over a gun.” That is certainly one way of looking at it.

Ben Carson Campaign Manager: Constant Hitler Analogies "Too Powerful"

Jay Hathaway · 10/08/15 03:17PM

Ben Carson—neurosurgeon, presidential candidate, and alleged sponge-fumbler—has repeatedly warned that America could go the way of Nazi Germany if people “keep their mouths shut” and don’t “stand up.” His campaign manager doesn’t necessarily disagree, he just wishes the candidate would stop trying to make political points by bringing up Hitler.