Ben Carson’s campaign continues on today, albeit without Ben Carson.

Carson, of course, is juggling his presidential campaign with his personal campaign to sell a lot of books. To that end, he’ll appear at three different Florida bookstores today—a Kendall Barnes & Noble, a Ft. Lauderdale Barnes & Noble and a Boca Raton Costco.

As per FEC regulations, Carson may not officially campaign at these events, but he sure can take a lot of awkward photos (they can be accessed by entering an email address... any email address.)

Meanwhile, Carson’s candidate-less presidential campaign bravely soldiers on with one official event today listed on its website: an informational meeting at an Irvine, Calif., airport hotel.

On a scale of presidential candidate to author and motivational speaker, Ben Carson today is an author and motivational speaker.

We’ll continue to check in on the Ben Carson Presidential Campaign and unrelated Book Tour, periodically determining where Ben Carson falls on the candidate-to-author and motivational speaker spectrum.

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