
Ben Carson Will Never Not Speak His Truth

Brendan O'Connor · 08/04/16 12:05PM

Does Dr. Ben Carson wish that the Republican nominee was someone other than his good friend Donald Trump? Of course he does. But the Republican nominee is Donald Trump, Carson astutely noted in a radio interview yesterday. And that is perfectly fine and okay.

A Brief History of Ben Carson Being the Worst Campaign Surrogate Ever

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/11/16 11:01AM

Ben Carson’s tepid endorsement of Donald Trump is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Each time he appears on Trump’s behalf to argue the case for a Trump presidency, he drives the point home a little further—not even Trump’s official supporters can muster real enthusiasm for an orange, white and blue America.

Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump?

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/16 09:18AM

Ben Carson—a man Donald Trump once compared to a child molester—just endorsed Donald Trump, calling Trump’s accusations “political stuff.”