Photo: AP

Medically-trained sloth Ben Carson, who declared his support for Donald Trump because there was no one else to support, is back in the news with a tasteful little joke about his mother’s Alzheimer’s disease.

Carson was a guest on the Brown and Scoop podcast when he volunteered that his mom would have probably shot a journalist or two, had she not been suffering from a devastating and irreversible disease. Via the Daily Beast:

“My mother is still alive by the way,” Carson told the hosts, who’d asked about her in the past tense. “She has Alzheimer’s. She’s not really cognizant of that, which is a good thing because my mother is really a fighter. She probably would have taken a gun and gone out and shot some of the dishonest reporters.”

We also heard from him last week, when a reporter asked Carson to complete the lyric-cum-meme, “If Young Metro don’t trust you.” The correct answer, as his mother no doubt knows, is “I’m gon’ shoot you.” Here’s what Ben Carson said: “Then you probably need to either become honest or be able to explain the reason for their doubts.”

Glad he’s back.