
Glenn Beck Relentlessly Mocks Malia Obama on Radio Show (UPDATED)

Matt Cherette · 05/28/10 12:10PM

Glenn Beck has never been very tactful, but his four-minute tirade against Malia Obama this morning over her "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?" question regarding BP's oil leak represented a reprehensible new low. Audio inside. Update: Beck responds.

Obama on Oil Spill: 'I Am Angry and Frustrated'

Max Read · 05/27/10 02:57PM

President Obama gave a press conference, just to make sure everyone knows that he's really mad at BP for spilling all that oil and saying, "it is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down."

The Idiots Responsible for the BP Oil Leak Disaster

Max Read · 05/25/10 02:06PM

It's been one month since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up, and oil is still leaking at an astonishing rate. Entire state economies might be crushed, and whole ecosystems wiped out. So whose fault is it?

Palin-Backed Republican Plagiarized Obama Speech

Maureen O'Connor · 05/24/10 05:37PM

As if plagiarizing a speech weren't bad enough, if you're a Palin-endorsed Republican, is there anyone worse to plagiarize than President Obama? From his famous 2004 speech to the Democratic National Convention, the one that all but launched his career?

A Kinder, Gentler Form of World Domination

Adrian Chen · 05/22/10 02:57PM

Speaking to graduates at West Point, Obama just laid out a new national security strategy based on some things called "international engagement" and "diplomacy." Kind of confused... are these some new types of Predator drones? [NYT]

Newt Gingrich is Equally Afraid of 'The Left' and Terrorists

Jeff Neumann · 05/20/10 07:13AM

In plugging his new book, the former GOP Speaker of the House writes that leftists have infiltrated nearly all facets of society with their brand of "secular-socialism," and they will destroy America faster than you can say firecracker jihadist.

The Winners and Losers at Tonight's White House State Dinner

Maureen O'Connor · 05/19/10 05:45PM

Eva Longoria will be attending tonight's White House state dinner honoring Mexican President Felipe Calderon. Beyonce and George Lopez will be there, too. But not Bill Clinton. State dinner snubs: a comprehensive survey of the guest list and seating chart.