Meet Les Phillip, Alabama's Black Republican 'Anti-Obama'
This is Les Phillip, a "Christian conservative" candidate for congress in—where else?—Alabama. What's his plan? "I'm going to Washington to stop [Obama] from destroying our nation—and they're not going to call me a racist." Because he's black.
Take that, liberal media! Phillip, a Navy pilot, is running against Rep. Parker Griffith, a former Democrat who switched parties and became a Republican in 2009. According to The Huntsville Times, Phillip has an MBA from the internet-based Phoenix University.
I'm not sure if that specific congressional seat is the one tasked with "stopping the president from destroying our nation," officially. But Phillip is probably a pretty good choice. I think YouTube user "sweetbamabelle" puts it best:

"And Les is BLACK too. HE'S NO RACIST EITHER." Words to live by.