
Rich People Reenact the Titanic's Voyage, Ideally Without the Sinking

Louis Peitzman · 04/08/12 04:20PM

Who hasn't, at one point or another, wished that he or she could travel aboard the Titanic? I mean, the whole affair ended nastily with some 1,500 people killed, but what luxury before that. Now a lucky group of people, some of whom are descendants of Titanic passengers, have embarked on a cruise that will retrace the path of the doomed ocean liner.

Why Is Hitler Selling Shampoo in Turkey?

Louis Peitzman · 03/26/12 07:07PM

There's probably a logical explanation for this, right? Either way, Turkey's Jewish community is none too thrilled about seeing Adolf Hitler in a TV ad for shampoo. Biota Laboratories, the company that makes Biomen shampoo, has refused to take the commercial off the air, explaining that it's "humorous." But as we all know from watching Mad Men, sometimes the client doesn't know best.

How the Stupid Idea of Using Homeless People as WiFi Hotspots Conquered South By South West

Adrian Chen · 03/12/12 07:06PM

AUSTIN, TX—As the awful demon-spawn of TED and a tech trade show, the South By Southwest Interactive Festival fetishizes good ideas—or at least what passes for ideas on Twitter. But the idea here that has attracted more attention than anything spouted by the many digital gurus and celebrity entrepreneurs on the mainstages has been a dumb one: Turning homeless people into wireless hotspots.

Creepy Greeting Card Warns Against Following Whitney Houston's Example

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 12:30PM

BuzzFeed points to an unsettling (and totally passive-aggressive) card made before Whitney Houston's death. The text inside reads — in dramatic, lowercase-letters only fashion — "next time you think of dating the bad boy, consider whitney houston ... that's all i'm going to say." The card remained on Target shelves two weeks after Houston's death, until someone finally had the good sense to remove it.

Sleep Like a Homeless Person From the Comfort of Your Home

Louis Peitzman · 02/05/12 03:05PM

Be honest: after a long day of work and play, you'd like nothing more than to curl up underneath some cardboard boxes. But who can stay warm under cardboard? And how can you make your homeless style chic?

Storage Units Are Not Appropriate Burial Sites

Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 06:00PM

I've often wondered what would happen if someone found a dead body on Storage Wars. We'll still have to wait for that episode, but U.S.A. Today picked up on a mildly gross, mostly kind of sad story out of Tampa. Local news reports that it was bad luck and not foul play that led Ann Bunch's daughter to entomb her dead mom in a storage unit for 17 years.

Don't Think this Tucker Max Research Assistant Job Will Be Some Big Party

Hamilton Nolan · 01/17/12 03:40PM

Tucker Max, Chad-in-Chief of the Beer Division of the Pussyhound Brigade (Duke Chapter), is back with an astounding and incredible offer for all you losers out there who would do just about anything to achieve your life goal of licking Tucker Max's sneakers clean as he Googled "misogynist slurs" and then read off every single entry, at you. You could be Tucker Max's new research assistant. Doesn't that sound great? A great job? Bitch?

Slavery Probably Not the Best Subject for Third-Grade Math Word Problems

Max Read · 01/09/12 05:40PM

While we admire the clear desire for efficient pedagogy displayed by teachers at Beaver Ridge Elementary in Norcross, Ga., we can't help but feel that there is probably a better history lesson to include in math problems than "slavery," or maybe a better way to teach students about slavery than by providing them with questions like "Each tree had 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" (For the record: seven.)

Vodka Billboard: 'Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing'

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/11 01:01PM

An alert reader sends us this photo of a Wodka™ brand Vodka billboard located on the West side of Manhattan, overlooking Riverside Drive. "CHRISTMAS QUALITY. HANUKKAH PRICING," it says. And there's a Santa dog, representing Christian quality, and a Jew dog, representing Hanukkah pricing, because the Jews are cheap—like Wodka™!

Mississippi Sorority Blackface Incident Is Year's Most Predictable Incident

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 05:40PM

College sorority blackface Halloween party controversy news of the day: "The [University of Southern Mississippi] Dean of Students Office said the six women, all members of Phi Mu sorority, dressed in blackface to depict themselves as the Huxtable family from 'The Cosby Show,' as part of their participation in a 1980s-themed, off-campus costume party on Wednesday."

The Muppets Should Not Host the Oscars

Brian Moylan · 11/11/11 03:39PM

It's been a hell of a week for the Oscars: Brett Ratner quit, Eddie Murphy quit, and everyone had some bright ideas about who should host. Sadly, Brian Grazer and Billy Crystal were quickly hired. And even though the once and future king of the Oscars has been anointed, some of you people are still carrying on about the damn Muppets. Knock it off!