
Adam Weinstein · 06/03/14 05:13PM

Lake City, a small Tennessee burg "beset by unemployment and methamphetamine use," will change its name to "Rocky Top" in order to excite developers and Vols fans. No word yet on when Miami will change its name to "Blow Canes."

Beretta Sponsors a Nutty Post on Hiding Your Gun From "Jackboots"

Adam Weinstein · 05/30/14 04:13PM

When you're one of the world's oldest firearms makers, you can't rest on your centuries-old reputation. You need to stay relevant to today's gun owner. Which is why Beretta—for a minute, at least—sponsored a popular gun site's now-missing post on "Down and dirty solutions to hiding your handgun" at home.

Adam Weinstein · 05/27/14 10:45AM

You are allowed to be mad at an IRS agent for saying you owe $330,000 in back taxes. You are not allowed to leave him phone messages saying you will "torture the agent, rape and kill the agent's wife, injure the agent's daughter and then finally kill the agent."

Claiming "Mixed Signals" Is a Great Rape Defense, Says Military Times

Adam Weinstein · 05/22/14 10:49AM

The United States armed forces have a sexual assault problem. As in: How does a service member avoid sexual assault charges? Fortunately, Military Times' legal advice columnist has you covered: If you can claim you got mixed signals, you can beat the rap.

Alaska Candidate: "I'd Probably Invade ANWR" For Oil and "Martyrdom"

Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 12:05PM

In the Land of the Midnight Sun, the last frontier, the land of Sarah Palin, it's hard to distinguish oneself from the crowd of conservative anti-government candidates for government office. But Dan Sullivan has a plan: Take over federal parklands, drill for oil, and maybe get heroically shot.

The NRA's Hot New Web Show For Youngs Is Hilariously Bad Poser Garbage

Adam Weinstein · 05/15/14 11:04AM

Everybody wants to get a piece of that sweet sweet millennial gold. Even the lead-slug tycoons who bankroll the NRA. Behold "Noir," the gun lobby's can't-miss shot at a hot web series for the hip, urbane American who wants a multicolored gun to match that iPhone case!

Guidance Counselor Arrested for DUI on Her Morning Drive to School

Adam Weinstein · 05/14/14 10:57AM

A guidance counselor on her morning commute to work at a middle school was arrested by Florida state troopers after reportedly almost hitting another car, admitting to being on prescription drugs, and having a blood alcohol level that was more than twice the legal limit.

The Founder of College Humor Has Horrible Advice For College Kids

Jordan Sargent · 05/09/14 01:05PM

Like many rich people, Ricky Van Veen—co-founder of College Humor and fiancé of Girls' Allison Williams—knows exactly how directionless, jobless college graduates should live their lives. In a new Tumblr post, he outlines a plan of action for the unemployed recent graduate. It is extremely realistic and helpful* (*if you are already rich and successful).

Official Moves to Christianize His County After Supreme Court Ruling

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 01:50PM

Al Bedrosian is a good Christian. He believes in corporal punishment but not in global warming. He ran for a seat on his Virginia county board promising to bring the Lord Christ back into its meetings. With the grace of God and John Roberts, he's keeping his promise.

The World's Fastest Beer Mile Was Recorded for Posterity

Jay Hathaway · 04/29/14 09:30AM

Remember this moment. Someday your kids will ask you where you were when you found out that some jackass had run a beer mile—like a regular mile, but with more beer—in under 5 minutes, setting a new world record.

Deep Thoughts From Cliven Bundy's Damage-Control Press Conference

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/14 04:00PM

A simple, aw-shucks der-der-der cattleman with an arsenal and a drawl has captured the American conservative imagination. And vomited racist bile all over our dreams. But no worries, because he fixed it all with a Thursday afternoon press conference! Hear the man defend himself: