In October 2013, an Albanian 20-year-old survived a game of Russian roulette after shooting himself through the head. The (very graphic) photo of the resulting injury is insane:

The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Florence released a report about the incident this week that details the various surgeries the man went through during a 30-day hospital stay. The report notes that he used a .22-caliber revolver and was drunk at the time of the incident. There was one other player (who didn't get a bullet) and a female observer who fled the scene. Here's how his injuries were described in the report:

Clinically, the patient presented a circled entry wound at the level of the right inferior border of the mandible and the exit wound at the level of the left frontotemporal region. The bullet passed through the head in a left-to-right direction, involving the floor of the mouth, the left maxillary bone, and the left orbital cavity, with traumatic orbital exenteration and cerebral frontal hernia.

And here he is, amazingly alive, 30 days after he shot himself:

Don't play Russian roulette.

[Images via Department of Maxillofacial Surgery]