
Here Is Your Tasteless Muslim Terror-Bomber Birthday Greeting Card

Adam Weinstein · 05/03/13 09:07PM

Walking through a Chicago store, a Muslim activist spotted the perfect birthday card for the Fox News-hounds in our lives, featuring an adorable hijab-wearing doll with an explosive secret. Why is a tasteless greeting card newsworthy? Well, it turns out there's a little more going on behind the veil here.

This Suicide-Themed Hyundai Ad Is So Awful It Drove a Survivor to Tears

Adam Weinstein · 04/25/13 02:36PM

Hyundai just yanked this misfiring European commercial depicting a man trying to off himself with his car exhaust. But not before the gag traumatized a London woman who blogged in heart-rending prose about how her father had killed himself in similar fashion.