
Eight Newborn Babies Found Buried in Garden in France

Max Read · 07/29/10 02:47AM

A couple was arrested after the bodies of eight newborn babies were uncovered in France, some buried in the garden of a home that was recently sold. The case is the latest in a string of similar crimes in France.

Watch a Baby Eat a Watermelon While Inside the Watermelon

Matt Cherette · 07/19/10 04:23PM

One, two, three: ZOMG SO CUTE CAN'T HANDLE THE CUTENESS AHHHHHH! Now that we have that out of the way, why don't you come inside and watch this adorable video of a baby eating a watermelon... while inside said watermelon.

Nigerian Man Arrested Carrying 70 Dead Babies in Bags

Maureen O'Connor · 07/08/10 01:52PM

It's not Friday yet, but I'm pretty sure this is the most startling headline of the week: "Nigerian man arrested with bags carrying 70 dead babies." Apparently a hospital in Lagos, Nigeria was dodging burial fees. [BBC, image via]

Dog Helps Teach Baby How To High-Five

Erica Hyman · 07/08/10 01:05PM

This father's lesson to his child on high-fiving gets crashed by their dog. Who knew dogs were such good teachers?

Babies In Love

nightintern · 06/29/10 09:00AM

These are babies. They are in love. They are adorable. That is all.

Men Victimized by Low Diaper Expectations

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/10 08:20AM

Are men capable of dealing with a child's poop? Despite strong warnings from wise men that only women have the inborn baby poop-handling gene, Pampers is now trying to pawn off its dirty product on fathers. They're not doing well.

Gyrating Baby Dances His Way in to Our Hearts

Kristina Lucarelli · 06/17/10 12:31PM

Dancing babies, aren't they the greatest? This kid takes it to a new level, complete with table top groovy hip shaking and Elvis style finger pointing. All set to salsa music. Sweet dance moves? Check. Potty Training? Pending.